What does Easter mean to me?
Image by Jordan Wozniak

What does Easter mean to me?

Personally, this coming up holiday is one of my favourites and here is what it shortly means to me.?

It means that?

? Hope has come

? I'm loved?

? I'm justified

? I'm forgiven

? I have eternal peace living inside of me

? I have received an unmerited favour

? I have been saved and at the same time I'm being saved

? Death is not my final destination, but eternal life and heaven are real.

All above and more because of one man called Jesus (The messiah - Savior).?

I believe in him because I have experienced the reality and measure of his Love in significant ways throughout my whole life like nothing else and no one else could offer to me.

From dark times, times without any hope at all, my story and destiny have been changed! Once I was dead but now I am alive!?

More than knowing stories from Moses's time, King David, Prophets, Apostles, I get to experience this real Love EVERY DAY!

You might be reading this and searching for answers, exploring your faith or even waiting for a saviour to rescue you. I challenge you to make this simple and honest prayer: God, if Jesus is real and the son of God, please reveal him to me.?

I promise you that you will find your answers and you never be the same again! You will find Life, Joy, Peace, Hope and most importantly, you will experience this great love every single day!

You will find out that peace is not the absence of conflict, but the empowerment to overcome situations and crises.?

To sum up, I celebrate this holiday because of the new life I have found through the sacrifice of Jesus (the son of God). He was willing to go to the cross to die for our sins and guilts so then we can experience life because of His death and resurrection.?

Happy Easter week!?


