What Does a Dietitian Eat?

It happens all the time. I walk into the lunch room at work and my peers either hide their lunches from my sight, or they ask me what I'm eating. "Wow, you eat French fries?" someone asked me once. Yes, I love French fries, Costco French fries are my favourite. At Ikea you can get a plate of fries for 75 cents, it's the best deal in town.

Personal food choices I make because I am a human:

  • I eat meat. I choose lean cuts because high fat foods wreak havoc on my digestion.
  • I choose butter over margarine because I do not like the consistency of margarine.
  • I love instant ramen noodles. I am a saltoholic.
  • I pick white pasta over whole grain pasta because of the difference in texture. I do not eat brown rice, I just can't get into it.
  • I avoid kale. To me, it's gross.

Personal choices I make because I am a human being who is also a Registered Dietitian:

  • I do not drink soda pop unless it's a movie night or some kind of event. I really prioritize drinking water/tea for my fluid intake.
  • I don't like it, but I try to eat salmon twice week because I recognize the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. If a miracle nutrient existed, this fatty acid is the closest one to it!
  • I prioritize my fibre intake because I know it is critical to good health. I add fresh chopped vegetables to my ramen soups, I add a lot of vegetables to my white pasta, and I add a lot of seeds and nuts to my yogurts/cereals, etc.
  • I eat constantly and I know it is NORMAL. This is how my body operates, and I take no flack about it from anyone. "Oh, you're eating again??" YUP!
  • I cook as much as I can. I believe it is an invaluable skill that can help you move forwards with your health goals. If you enjoy cooking, you are blessed. Not everyone shares this affinity.
  • I have a serious problem with breakfast food choices in North America. They are typically refined, sweet as heck, and provide fleeting satiety. My favourite breakfast would be a toast with cheese and tomato, or a bowl of soup. This may sound weird to you but there are many places around the world that eat savoury choices for breakfast. It can be soup, fish, rice with eggs or rice with beans.

I believe that the foods I pick don't necessarily matter. The reasoning behind my food choices is the more valuable information. If someone is gives you a list of all the "healthy" foods they eat, you can run into some problems pretty quick if you don't like any of the options. Having the knowledge to understand how different foods can help you meet your health goals is so much more helpful. For example, I don't like kale but I want to eat a vitamin-rich leafy-green that also has fibre. My options now include: spinach, cabbages, etc. The same is true for my dislike of fish. It is important to me that I eat animal sources of omega-3 because I want those wondrous health benefits! Now my options can include: trout, mackerel, herring, etc.

Whenever there is a desire to make a health behaviour change, there needs to be buy-in. This is a critical ingredient for long term success. Following a list of foods may provide you with practical choices when you feel stuck, however it may only take you so far. Especially, if you hate those foods! Right now it is Nutrition Month. If you feel compelled to learn more about the "why's" instead of the "what's" it's a great time to learn.

Julia Zakrzewski, Registered Dietitian

March 5, 2021


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