What does The Corona Virus Act 2020 mean for YOU and YOUR loved ones
Jenny Moore
Owner at Tamaya | Energy Healing | Health/Wellness | Retreats | Interests- Aqua therapy. Somatic Experiencing, Trauma, Chronic Pain, Bereavement, Dentistry, Nutrition. Sharing my personal journey to inspire and give hope
Read it or scroll, your choice. Credit to Ruth Ablett for writing an easy to read and digest summary of this lengthy document that I hear only took 3 days to prepare and pass in Parliament.
"So how’s this make you feel
This bill is 98 pages long and in amongst all the fluff is the most horrifying piece of legislation I have ever seen. Read what is now law below. Please share and tell your family and friends. We have to get the HC Bill 122 revoked.
A few days ago The emergency Coronavirus Bill was rushed through as law. The powers will affect your freedom and take away your rights.
Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.
Authorities can FORCEABLY take biological samples from your body. Your body becomes the property of the state.
There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.
Powers last up to 2 years, with reviews every 6 mths
Lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures.
State surveillance safeguards weakened.
Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act lowered.
Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes.
Changes to the court system. Registration of deaths.
No inquests into suspicious deaths! No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations!
It also indemnifies the health service should they fail for what ever reason to provide care.
The most frightening part. Only one medical 'officer' is required to sign off COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER which means... in the real world you can be forced to accept medication. Or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit. THAT is the biggest and worst threat to your own freedoms. Schedule 8 Pt1.
Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11.
The BBC won't be telling you that bit.
So. If someone dies in police custody or any type of custody they can simply dispose of the body without any paperwork medical exam or certification or inquest.
I am proposing that this bill be reversed until after the current Corona virus crisis to allow for full, proper and open debate.
Any similar bill affecting human rights should also be stopped until the current state of emergency has been completed."