What does the concept of life mean to you?
Dina Eltawila
Blogger, content creator, communication officer and ambassador at GPLT Global peace let’s talk.
Does life sweet in your eyes? Do you love it? Do you hate it? What do you know about it? That it must be lived with its sweetness and bitterness? Some of us say: Life is lived once, so it must be lived happily. If you do not find happiness, how do you live? Whatever your concept of life, let me here review with you four concepts of life from the perspective of Islam, perhaps they are brief concepts that satisfy what is in the hearts, for those who love concepts in this life... Let us begin.
The first concept (the scale of life is a very fragile scale)
How does God Almighty weigh life?
If the world was worth a mosquito's wing to God, He would not have given an unbeliever a single sip of water from it. Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi.
But the world has 6 continents, including Antarctica, and it has countries, peoples and tribes, how does all this weigh in the eyes of God Almighty as the wing of a mosquito? Did you know that we live on planet Earth, which is one of a group of planets in the Milky Way, which is part of several paths, each of which has planets? This perfect cosmic system, where are you now? there is a famous movie called You’re not big enough that talks about this matter. can you imagine that one or two planets (Mars) or three at most are being explored in Venus, and what is settled for habitation like humans, and most religions were revealed on planet Earth, so we do not know anything else, and because the living on the surface of other planets is not yet understood, living there for more than 6 months affects your reproductive health and affects the pressure and vital factors in your body, so we will only talk about planet Earth. How can it be that with 6 continents, only one mosquito wing weighs in the sight of God Almighty? Are you still wondering about this after this quick presentation!!!
The second concept (Life is like water)
How does Allah, the Blessed and Most High, view life?
Allah says
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
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And present to them the example of the life of this world, as water which We send down from the sky, then the vegetation of the earth mingled with it, and it became broken crumbled scattered by the winds. And God is over all things competent. (45)
Here, God Almighty likened the (worldly) life to a (higher) life, which is Paradise. It is not only a condition that it be high in place, because Paradise is in the sky, but also in value. The worldly comes from the nearness, meaning closeness to the surface of the ground, and thus the high embraces the edges of the sky.
The parable of the life of this world is like water which We send down from the sky.
What does the water that falls from the sky look like? It could be a lot, it could be just scattered drops, it could be pieces of hail. The second question: Does the rain from the sky keep falling all the time without stopping? No, it rains for a while and then stops. The third question: Does everyone like rain? Maybe everyone shares a love for the first rain, but heavy rain that drowns and buries houses under the rubble is not good... This is life:
it is the first fruits of good after a period of evil that you have gone through, so you are happy with the water and happy with life. And sometimes it is scattered, intermittent points: like intermittent good, And sometimes it is abundant and floods houses, tents, people, and even animals: like flooding you with the misfortunes of life at a time. It is not necessary for these misfortunes to be water, but rather disease, poverty, loss, etc., even though the example is the same (water) like life but everyone of us see it as the stage he pass by, when God Almighty likened the world to water, He explained life to us with its various seasons, not spring and autumn...etc. Rather, the spring of your life has nothing to do with youth or childhood. Perhaps the spring of your life came after you reached old age, and so it is with the rest of the seasons.
The vegetation of the earth is mixed with it. Life events that make the wise person confused, mixed events in which the rope is mixed with the arrow, and he does not understand where the escape is, in which the untruthful is believed and the truthful is a liar, and temptations like pieces of the dark night, until concepts are mixed with some people and they do not understand the truth from falsehood, until falsehood spreads more and only here do people understand after the concepts are mixed, so the truth becomes clear and apparent, and falsehood becomes clear and apparent, without delay to the simple minds that did not understand before.
So it became chaff scattered by the winds, in confirmation of the Almighty’s saying: (As for the foam, it vanishes, being cast aside, but that which benefits people remains on the earth), so what the winds scatter is falsehood after it has spread and people hate and cry out about it, so it does not remain on the earth. What remains on the earth is (the truth) or what benefits people and does not harm them.
And God is over all things competent. In the end, after doing all that you can, the meaning of jihad is to exhaust all your effort. You will find that God is capable of over every oppressor, and every widespread oppression you stand before, amazed and astonished.
The third concept (play – amusement – adornment – boasting – multiplication)
Allah says
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
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Know that the life of this world is but play and amusement and adornment and boasting between you and multiplying in wealth and children is like rain whose growth pleases the disbelievers, then it becomes agitated and you see it turning yellow, then it becomes debris. And in the Hereafter is a severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion?
Did you get a PhD or post-doctorate?
Do you like your professor? Do you listen to what he says, or do you shake your back at his words? One of the names of Allah the Almighty is (the All-Knowing), meaning that there are many scientists in life, and perhaps scientific robots, but absolute knowledge belongs to the All-Knowing, Glory be to Him, Glory be to Him, He begins this noble verse by saying (Know) What do you feel now? If a sign of the Earth would stand and listen to his statement, he will not talk to you about life with the abundance of philosophers, scientists, anthropologists and others. No concept about life that is brief and has a meaning and significance like this proverb will ever tell you
Know that the life of this world is but play and amusement. Is there a difference between play and amusement? Yes, play has two types: play for fun, and educational play from which you benefit greatly at any age. Some games are not for children, but for adults.
As for entertainment: everything that a person is entertained with distracts him from doing something prestigious in life, such as giving your son a pacifier to keep him quiet so that the mother can complete her work at home, for example. We deal with distractions like children, and we are experts in wasting time. You are told: The light is out: we need things to kill our time. This is entertainment.
And decoration
Have you ever seen a bride who was not decorated before she was decorated? She may not be beautiful at all, and after the decoration she became a bride. Have you ever seen a house made of red bricks, then decorated with whitewash and decorations until it became decorated? Like this: The origin of things is not decoration, but we are the ones who decorate things, so they become beautiful in our eyes and we cannot do without them after a while.
And boast among you
My cousin was blessed with a boy, and I was blessed with a girl, I must be blessed with a boy, why? To brag, a father brags about how many sons he has with higher degrees, another brags about his son memorizing the Holy Quran, and another brags about how many properties he owns on the .... Coast, this is life: How much do you brag in a day and night? Calculate your bragging and who you brag to: Do not sit with him again, he is not kind to your heart, he is an ornament of the world’s ornaments, and he is a sublime person in this life, who makes you come out of your true self (Authentic – self) to your fake self that brags and brags, if that is you then you have drunk the world in its entirety.
And multiplying in money and children
Do you know how much my bank balance is? Do you know the estate and lands I own? Look at someone while he sits for a long time or a long time: Is all his talk about his children and what he owns today? After years of austerity, perhaps, or less than that, then know that these are his most important achievements in this life. He does not have personal achievements, so he sings about his children and money. This is the world, and whoever you find these qualities in has drunk the world to the brim.
Like a downpour whose growth pleases the unbelievers.
The infidels here mean (farmers), so the Arabic language is ambiguous. All that is lost of adornment, boasting, multiplying, and sitting with whom you sit that shortens life is like a heavy downpour that brings relief to the distressed (farmer) From it grew a delightful plant, which the farmer was very impressed with. Do you know something like this? Are you a woman skilled in cooking and sweets? Your photographing of your work or even looking at it with love (this is the work of my hands), this is the case in every field. Agriculture is a living example of what the illiterate Arabs understood at the beginning of the message. The Quran was not revealed only to the elite of the people, but to the simplest of the simple. You see an illiterate man who cannot read or write, and yet he explains to you from the verses of the Quran what you hear from his mouth, amazing. The Quran is for everyone. Now: a flowering plant rising to the sky from its joy (this represents your youth).
Then it rages and you see it yellow.
The winds blow: you see the crops you worked so hard to plant, turning yellow and about to wither, so you feel sad. Where is the strength? Where is the youth? Where is the fatigue? It is life, my brother. It is the world, so do not be surprised at what you see.
Then it becomes wreckage
Have you seen your house destroyed before your eyes in a war of extermination? What were you thinking about in the kitchen, in the living room, or in the two-door refrigerator? It became wreckage. This world, if you are one of the survivors, you will be surprised that in a few years you will own more than what was taken from you, God willing. This is a world, something can become wreckage, whether relationships, buildings, jobs, or the fatigue we have worked so hard for. Pains only come when you are in dire need of joy, then it becomes wreckage... Don't be sad, it's just a world.
And in the Hereafter there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure.
The punishment for those who boast, show off and adorn themselves, and forgiveness from Allah for those who are not deceived by the crops while they are in bloom, nor while they are yellow, nor even while they are ruined. Rather, these are the ones upon whom is the pleasure of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, not just pleasure but satisfied.
And what is the life of this world but the enjoyment of delusion.
So what is enjoyment? Enjoyment: the things you enjoy for a while, your car, your sunglasses, the keys to your chalet and house, accessories, accessories around you everywhere, did you enjoy? And what is the life of this world but the enjoyment of delusion, and the word enjoyment in the Quran does not come once without a threat behind it, here the threat is that life is a temporary, fleeting enjoyment and it is the enjoyment of those who are deceived by it and do not learn from the gravity of the events around them.
The last example: (The perspective of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) on life)
(Sweet green)
Hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri ? on the authority of the Prophet ? who said: The world is sweet and green, and Allah has made you His successors in it, to see how you act, so beware of the world, And beware of women, for the first trial of the Children of Israel was in women. Narrated by Muslim.
The world is sweet
The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, likened the world to sweets. That’s good, isn’t it? Of course, but a piece of cake is not suitable for all people. Some people eat it and become overweight, while others get diabetes, some of them eat a small piece of it and enjoy it and are grateful and no harm befalls them. The truth of life is that it is sweet and we all love to live in times of happiness.
The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, likened life to the color green, why? And what does the color green symbolize? Green is the color of plants - symbolizes youth, vitality and energy - symbolizes positivity and activity - when you sit in a place with greenery, your eyes, sight and whole mind are at ease. In Paradise, the color green is the dominant color, as it is one of the colors of Paradise (they will wear green garments of fine silk - we are talking about one of the best colors in the sight of God Almighty. You can follow the psychology of the color green and you will see the wonder.
Now: Why does God Almighty talk about life being green, and is there an undeclared threat in this? Yes: Life is full of activity, vitality, energy, joy, and a positive outlook on life. We all love it and enjoy what it has given us. But the green color in the crops withers quickly. It is only one season in the year. The rest of the seasons are either yellow, another season is ruins, and the season that follows it begins again to turn green. This is how your life and all of our lives are.
And Allah has appointed you as successors in it, and He sees how you act.
Did you hear the successor: As if you were traveling to a European country as an immigrant - of course in the past, not now - and you rent your apartment to someone and tell him this is a usufruct for twenty years and I will take it from you or my children or grandchildren will take it from you after this period, then the period ends (your life) and he asks you for the key and everything in it, so you scream and say: But I spent a lot on it in these years, don't you know? And it is said to you: But you knew that it was only a usufruct and you had no right to take anything out.
pious the world, and pious women, for the first trial of the Children of Israel was in women
When do you put your hand in front of your face and refuse something? When you feel that this thing will hurt you a lot, this is what the Messenger of Allah asks of you, raise your hand and say no to the world, and beware of women too, why? They are the precious companions, the unveiled, adorned women, who feel that they are immortal and perhaps some of them have improved their physical or mental abilities with robotic enhancements now, whatever it was and any type of women, the Messenger of Allah tells you to beware of them.. and the knowledge remains with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, when you meet him at the basin ask him.
The Psychology
“Life is meaningless without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn this, the better for all of us.” “Once you begin to make the effort to ‘wake yourself up’—that is, to be more aware of your activities—you suddenly begin to appreciate life much more.” The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, and to make a difference by living well.
The point
In this article, we have provided 4 examples about life.... If we fully comprehend them, they will suffice us to be upright in what Allah the Almighty wants from us.
1 - Its weight: It weighs only one wing of a mosquito
2 - The world is like water
3 - It is an adornment, boasting and multiplication
4 - It is sweet and green
Now: Did you tell us in the comments what this worldly life represents to you? Do you feel that this examples that we have brought is enough for the worldly life, or do you want more?
This is the view of Allah, the Most High, and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, about life. No matter how different your viewpoint is from them, and no matter how far you go, you will not find a summary of life like these words.
The bottom line
Allah the Blessed and Exalted wants to link the higher life to the worldly life, which is the life of the afterlife. It does not matter whether you believe in it or not, but if you want to know whether the afterlife is real or metaphorical, you only have to contemplate what came above. If it Make sense?
Dear reader: Repeat with me: O Allah, benefit us with what you have taught us and increase our knowledge.