What does ‘clinical governance’ mean to your organisation? Why is it important? Do you know?
Dr Melanie Tan
Clinical Governance Consultant | Director, Azderis Pty Ltd | Medical Practitioner | Legal Practitioner I CHIA
Clinical governance has traditionally been considered in the context of healthcare.?In recent years, the concept has gained increasing prominence in aged care, with aspects of it now appearing in the disability sector.
Since aged care does not always entail clinical care, Standard 8(3)(e) of the Aged Care Quality Standards specifies that a clinical governance framework is required ‘where clinical care is provided’.?But should the requirement for clinical governance be limited to clinical scenarios??Just because we don't deliver clinical care, do we abrogate responsibility over a person’s health and well-being??What is our duty of care in these circumstances? This goes beyond mere compliance.
In simple terms, ‘duty of care’ describes a legal obligation to take reasonable measures to avoid or mitigate the risk of foreseeable harm to another. Therefore, if I were caring for a vulnerable person in their home, or case-managing someone experiencing homelessness, I should reasonably be expected to seek medical assistance on their behalf if needed – even if I were not a clinician.?Take the tragic case of Ann Marie Smith for example:
Ms Smith’s death sadly illustrates a situation where there was no clinical governance over non-clinical care.?It should speak loudly to all care sectors.
Do you have a clinical governance framework??Are you confident that your organisation has adequate oversight of the care it delivers, to ensure your clients do not suffer any harm??Are you meeting your duty of care?
There is no 'one size fits all' approach, however understanding your duty of care is an important starting point – remembering that clinical governance goes above and beyond what would be ‘reasonably’ expected, and seeks to achieve optimal health and well-being for the consumer (not just the prevention of harm).?A clinical governance framework can help meet your duty of care – for example, by outlining systems and processes to support non-clinical workers, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and ensuring adequate oversight throughout your organisation – because, as we are starkly reminded by Ms Smith’s case, everyone is accountable.?