What Does BeyondEgo Mean?

What Does BeyondEgo Mean?

I've had a terrific time building this brand, BeyondEgo- and since its inception in February, there have been so many people intrigued by it as well as frightened by it. We are all a bit frightened of our personal and professional development at some point and usually that's the point before we've begun. The pride swallowing, gulping down of our fears knowing that to do the work is to humble ourselves in the most scary way- to see our dark sides. To know that we are not the best at things is one thing but to face it and work on it- is an entirely different issue.

The brand that houses my books and my podcast is truly based upon the awareness and action we can take as adults, business professionals, leaders, lovers and people in general to live the life fulfilled- and what do I mean by that- it's speaking kindly, speaking up when we need to and doing the things we don't necessarily have comfort with.

The idea of going beyond ego is based upon the book by Dr. Seuss where he tells his readers that there is an entire alphabet and world beyond the letter Z. I read the book and after a friend's note to me to use the brand name BeyondEgo, matched with the book's teachings- it really makes a difference for us all to envision and then act on our light and dark sides because there is an entire world living beyond who we THINK WE OUGHT TO BE. The ego is the false self and until we let go of who we think we need to be and become who we are, doing the work in between, softening, breathing and finding more meaning in life- over the ambition and drive, over the sales and money and profits and over all the minutia of broken relationships, arguments, anxieties and more that we carry around on our shoulders, it is then that we truly master the art of communication.

My podcast is called BeyondEgo and although we're taking a summer break- to refocus and regroup, there are several episodes in the cooker that truly enlighten the soul to listen and become humbled by the stuff we carry and the way we show up that's not so great. It isn't until we hear it, face it and desire to work on it all that makes us have a happier, healthier lifestyle.

We are not our titles. We are not our clothes, our money, our status- or whatever material thing we think we are- we are connected humans and the more we detach and disconnect because of demand, force, entitlement and the big one here, ego- the more we find ourselves alone, fighting the world- fighting people and personalities and truly fighting ourselves against the currents of life.

This is the hard stuff folks. The stuff we ought to face- in order to overcome any issues we're working through because true life mastery lives within the breath of life leadership. You don't have to be a CEO to lead your life- you're an adult. You can lead in any way you wish- but it is when you are beyond who you think you ought to be, that you truly show up as your best self- especially those in corporate America.

I want to talk to you!

Let's get to work. I know you can be happier, healthier and more satisfied, especially in the bustle of your days. I can teach you how.



Elizabeth Barry is a Communication Expert, Innovator and Business Strategist with over 20 years of consulting experience branding and rebranding small businesses and founding partners. She’s taught leaders how to grow companies, to build teams, to be efficient and communicate effectively. From building her 6-figure marketing agency to curating and hosting 17 TEDx events and raising thousands of dollars in sponsorships, Elizabeth is makes a worldly impact on the audience around her. Anyone under Elizabeth's wing achieves real results. They take in Elizabeth’s charismatic, lovable, and accountable personality and walk away- blown away with what they've learned feeling accomplished and confident.

She's the host of the podcast, BeyondEgo, and has authored two books, Own Your Vulnerability and The Kind Communicator as well as hundreds of articles on LinkedIn. Her new book The Kind Communicator includes tips and tactics on speaking kindly, active listening, ego, personal and professional development skills and secrets.

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