Organizations today do not always consider the cost to real people who are being exited from the company and many more strongly underestimate the impact these actions have on their brand and on those who remain with the company. For organizations that do not provide meaningful outplacement services, the level of distrust both within and outside the company begins to skyrocket.
For businesses that genuinely care about people and their wellbeing, and for companies that want to protect their image and reputation while preserving the productivity and engagement of their workers, outplacement services might be the missing link. Meaningful and personal — or what we call purpose-driven — outplacement services are a major element that defines corporate culture, elevates employer branding, enhances the cultural fit and reduces distrust both within and from outside the company. Moreover, it is a kind and compassionate thing to do for people who are likely facing one of the worst times in their lives.
When a reduction in workforce event happens, how the experience is felt by the affected employees, the individuals who remain and the key decision-makers within the company can vary widely. There is no common understanding of how it should all go down, but every company probably strives to provide an experience that is the least harmful to everyone involved. The problem is that while trying to reduce harm is a noble pursuit, too many companies are missing the mark and are finding themselves, their employees and the outplaced people in positions of stress, distrust and disengagement.
Finding A Career Versus Finding Another Job
Delivering an excellent outplacement experience means partnering with an organization that has a high-touch approach; one that includes face-to-face meetings, one-on-one coaching and assessments, and meaningful activities that help people figure out how to move forward. These services must be so much more than “exclusive” access to job listings and help writing resumes. Instead, these new job-seekers need help understanding the current marketplace and finding a new company that offers the cultural fit and professional satisfaction that come from finding more than just another job, but instead transitioning into a rewarding new career.
Displaced individuals also need a place to tell their story. They need to be able to articulate how it happened to them and share this story with others so they can process the events emotionally as well as professionally. The objective of this is to help outplaced individuals work the events into their history in a way that does not self-sabotage their efforts to find a new position. When faced with the inevitable question of why they left their last employer, outplaced individuals must have an answer that has been emotionally defused and professionally prepared to answer the interviewer’s question quickly and satisfactorily so they can move on. Outplacement services must be able to work through this with the individuals so they can put the old company behind them without any residual hard feelings.
Link to Your Employment Brand
Companies interested in outplacement services need to ask themselves why it is important to them. What are they trying to achieve? Is the intended result to simply have the ability to ease the consciences of those who hold the reins so they do not have to feel bad about downsizing events? Or is the intention of the company to provide real services that genuinely reach the core of what it means to a professional, productive human being who unexpectedly loses their position in the company – and in their minds – their position in the world? Is your goal to understand the individual factors affecting your former colleagues in order to help them find their next career? Concerns like financial difficulties, marital situations, and family concerns can impact their timely success in moving forward. Is it enough to pass on some links to an online library and move on?
What do you want your legacy to be?
Learn more?about LAK Group’s Outplacement services.
Outplacement. On Purpose.