What Do Your B2B Customers Really Want?
Brilliant marketers talk constantly about starting with your customer’s perspective. But so few businesses actually do this in a genuine or effective way. Often, when it’s time to plan B2B content or a full campaign, we think some version of “here’s what I want to sell. How can I spin this to appeal to X demographic?”
And while that statement does, at least, mention your target audience, the approach is all wrong. Starting a brainstorming session with what you want to sell sets you up to think in terms of your everyday life, your surroundings, and your pressures — and then how your (albeit amazing) solution can sweep in and fix your customers’ problems.
But our brains cannot naturally think from someone else’s perspective. We have to train them to do this. Even when we’re doing something generous like caring for a baby or volunteering, we are still seeing with our eyes, feeling with our skin, and reasoning with our own minds.