Indroneil Mukerjee
Business & Leadership Coach | Transforming lives of individuals and institutions | Guru of Change 2005 (The Week magazine) | Top Coach 2021 (Coach Foundation)
Ordinarily, man is asleep and dreaming of being awake. And how can anyone awaken a man who’s already dreaming of being awake?
Illness is a wake-up alarm to bring to your awareness that which you have chosen to be not aware of in your deep slumberous states of existence. If you choose to ignore it and stay oblivious of the message it has for you, it comes back with renewed vigour later and continues to do so till an outcome is achieved … It comes as a harbinger of two possibilities – perish or evolve. A moment of truth that invites you to make a choice.
The most common reaction to falling ill is that you rush to a doctor to get a fix or if it is not so serious pop in a pill bought over the counter. Only to defer it’s healing and preparing for it to come back. Another reaction, often driven by fear and anxiety, is to begin looking for a ‘permanent fix’ – e.g. the much touted reversal programs - a fix nevertheless – only to defer its comeback, this time probably in a nastier, more acute form. For, all fixes are symptomatic and never reverses the cause. You have deflected the moment of truth and the harbinger goes unheard.
You blame the virus, the weather, the food, the environment and even your parents for you having genetically inherited the disease. Forgetting that these are mere predispositions and not the cause. For if it was not so, each and every individual would have been a COVID victim, in extreme weather all of us would have fallen sick, all those who have sweet tooth would have been diabetic etc. etc. Once again you have missed the opportunity. The message has gone unheeded.
In a few cases, you respond and realize how possibly you have come to cause this misery unto yourself. Here again you don’t go very deep. You stop with a realization of certain unhealthy habits of yours which, a part of you believes you must change and another does not. In all possibility the latter wins and you go back to square one.
Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt.
~?Dr. Edward Bach
How does one learn the lesson? And eradicate the disease?
A pre-requisite for this learning to happen is to shift your perception of yourself from being organistic to being holistic. While medical science looks, attends to and fixes illness organistically, the truth is we were all born whole and complete. Once you are able to see the truth, you will also notice that your cause of illness lies not in the organ that is affected or even other related ones, but much deeper in your emotions and the underlying beliefs. Particularly emotions that are lying repressed in you and are seeking expression in form of your illness. This is where you will need someone to accompany you in your explorative journey, deep in the recesses of your unconscious to come out with the negative emotions and beliefs in which the cause of the illness lies.
In rare cases, you take complete accountability and investigate through inner exploration, what in you could have caused the disease. You go deeper than your behaviour and habits to acknowledge the thoughts and feelings related to the disease – the ones that could have possibly caused it and the ones that are now there associated with it. If you are adept enough to not identify with these emotions, you could possibly be even going deeper to identify some frozen ‘energetic entities’ in you – your beliefs – which make you emote in the ways you do.
This is a moment of awakening, a moment of transition from your vicious mind-made self to your virtuous God-self. From being small and powerless you suddenly realize you have the power to not only cause yourself to be diseased but also to heal yourself by becoming aware of the cause. The alchemy has happened.
#illness #wellness #wellbeing #holistic #organistic #emotions #beliefs #learning #lesson