What do You do When You Don't Know What to do?

What do You do When You Don't Know What to do?

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

In my final session with one of my Creating Partnerships today, my client asked me...

"What do you do when you don't know what to do?"

First off, I told him that I can relate to the experience of being an entrepreneur who doesn't know what to do with themselves.

There are always so many directions you could go, and so much you could be working on.

While in the past I have shared a perspective on how to prioritize tasks using love and power as a guide, this time the inquiry felt deeper than simply 'prioritization'.

It wasn't just about what was most productive, but also what was most fulfilling, most honest and most true for you too.

So I shared the simple process I use that helps me to know what to do. Watch the 5-minute video on that here, but in summary, it is this:

1. I re-member who I am.

I say 're-member' as a throwback to the Latin roots, 're-memorari', meaning 'to be mindful again'. This is distinct from recall in that remembering is not simply about the return to conscious awareness, but the return AND the mindful activation of it your present Being.

2. I re-member where I am going.

While my Being is primary, without a destination, that Being is adrift. Purpose orients being and gives it something to do (hint, hint). So I re-member my purpose, my goal, my vision, my long-term outcome. Without something on the horizon to aim for, I'm just going to go in circles.

3. I re-member what it is that I Do.

By 'Do', I mean something distinct from 'do'. What I Do is my modus operandi, my life purpose, my art or my craft. It's the big picture essence or concept of my work in the world. In the video linked, I share mine in particular but knowing what it is that you Do is important in always knowing what to do.

Once I have 're-membered' these things (which I do in a number of the ways we teach in Being a Client Magnet), I simply 'ask and listen'...

The action is then always obvious and immediate.

An hour ago, I didn't know what to do. But then within minutes of re-membering, asking, and listening - I knew, I acted, and I created...all the doing of which is an expression of who I am, where I am going, and what I Do.

Now that you know what to do when you don't know what to do, all that matters is that you know who you are, where you are going, and what you Do. ??

Do you?

If not, then DM me and let me know, because we can help you.

Loving you, JPM


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