What do you do when CoR confusion reigns?
Sean Minto
★ Technical Writer of the Master Code ★ Certified OHS professional ★ Certified Lead Auditor OHSMS ★
The answer may be simpler than you think.
Chain of responsibility experts at 10 paces... in recent times legal experts in the field of CoR and contractor management have been expressing differing and somewhat conflicting views on how to meet the varying obligations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law and CoR provisions. So what’s a CoR party to do when CoR confusion reigns?
The simple answer may be to "defer" to the Master Industry Code of Practice (the Master Code), a registered industry code of practice under the HVNL.
Did you know the Master Code was written with reference to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator CoR Gap Assessment Tool. The Master Code was also written with reference to numerous other NHVR and industry technical guidance materials.
Did you know the Master Code was reviewed by a panel of 10 subject matter experts within the NHVR. This check step occured prior to the Master Code being approved and registered by the NHVR.
Did you know the Master Code is strongly aligned with the NHVR’s expectations of what’s required by CoR parties to meet their obligations under the HVNL and CoR provisions. This alignment was achieved through the above steps to help CoR parties ensure the safety of their transport activities.
Did you know the Master Code was written by the industry for the industry. The Master Code was written in consultation with industry associations, lead by the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) and Australian Trucking Australia (ATA), industry experts and numerous CoR parties.
Did you know the Master Code contains over 181 suggested controls on how to manage CoR risks. Many of these controls may be considered industry best practice.
Did you know Sean Minto, technical writer of the Master Code, is available to help. If you require assistance assessing your CoR risks and implementing CoR risk controls please contact Sean at:
Sean has put theory into practice and assisted numerous clients in varying industry sectors, both during and post writing the Master Code, to assess and manage their CoR risks.