What do you want your destiny to be?

What do you want your destiny to be?

In studying the eight limbed path of Yoga- authored by Patanjali, which serves as a guide to living a meaningful and purposeful life, I keep coming back to the first limb Yamas (which means restraint and encourages us to act with compassion, care, and kindness to ourselves, others around us, and the world.

In particular, I keep thinking of the first Yama - Ahisma.

Ahisma means nonviolence or non-harm against others, oneself, or the environment. It seems simple but it includes all actions, thoughts, and diet in all areas of one's life - personally, professionally, spiritually. That's pretty all-encompassing and far reaching.

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. What your character - it becomes your destiny. " Lau Tzu

What do you want your destiny to be?


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