What do You want and what will you do to get it?

What do You want and what will you do to get it?

I have a confession to make. 

In the past months, I decided to do something drastic in life.

Left no with no other options, I fired myself. 

You’re probably wondering, why would someone walk away from a steady paycheck?

With benefits and really neat perks as well.  

In a moment I’ll tell you.

No, there’s no backup plan for what I’ve been working on and no golden parachute.

[As if !] 

Here’s how it happened.

One day while sitting in my cubicle answering wild questions, putting out fires, and approving people’s Paid Time Off, it hit me. 

What are you doing? 

Why are you here? 

What do you want out of life? 

Most importantly, are you growing?

After wrestling back and forth, a fire ignited in my mind.

I spent the next 3 years cramming everything I could on specific things that I love and know can be truly useful to others. Taking action and providing solutions to people that knew they needed help.


No more chasing dead ends. Off to the open road.  

It’s not an easy decision to fire yourself but when what you want to do doesn’t match with where you need to be…

You have to do something.

 Sometimes it’s a case of, “It’s not you, it’s me.” 

Nobody is promised tomorrow. We’ve all heard it, but don’t really think about it.

That “Thing” that you’ve put no energy into, well maybe it's time for you to take a serious looksy.

You can ask yourself these three simple questions:

What are you doing? 

Why are you here? 

What do you want out of life? 

Most importantly, are you growing?

You can go on doing the things you’ve always done. Life is about choice.

The outcome will be, you guessed it.

 The results you always get. 

Reach for the remote and hit the pause button on what you're doing.

Review and then plan.

If you are waiting for a knock on your door and dreaming that someone will save you, um well sorry, high probability, it’ll never happen. 

Here’s a Secret.

Find out what you’re good at and repeat it.  

If this is for you, then, when do you need to do that thing?


Have a great New Year.




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