What Do You Want?
I am talking about the things that your soul is screaming for you to do. That you wake up every day and the thought of doing that thing makes you have a huge smile across your face, it makes you want to jump out of bed and sing to the birds.
I will give you an example. I want to be featured in Rolling Stone Magazine. So what did I do? I took aligned action by getting a photoshoot ( months ago) that would match my desire. I told myself if I want my song to get featured in Rolling Stone or any big music magazine, I will need super professional magazine-worthy photos.
When it comes to things we want, it will not show up right away unless we take aligned action on it. So my aligned action was hiring the photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist, going for shopping for the clothing I needed for the photo shoot. Not going to lie, this photo shoot was actually really out of my comfort zone. But I knew this was the way I was going to build my brand to the next level. To take me from just being a coach to also creating a brand new identity as a pop female artist in this world. The thing is << Test First Name >>, we all love to feel safe. We all love to stay in our comfort zone. Sometimes our soul is asking us to do something but our brain is telling us it is not "safe". The thing is when we do get out our comfort zones and take chances this is where we grow the most. So ask yourself 3 questions:
1. What do YOU want for YOU? What is it that you jump up and down in excitement when thinking about doing. It could be anything. It could be traveling in the future. It could be working with that grammy winning producer you always wanted to hire, it could be reorganizing your closet, it could be buying that jacket you loved on Amazon, it could be writing that new book that is calling your name.
2. Next you can ask yourself, where are you staying in your comfort zone that is keeping you from growing? It is being afraid to invest in yourself to get that new microphone? It is afraid to do that facebook live stream infront of your audience? The more we leave our comort zone the more we grow. I am not talking about necessarily leaving your house, I am talking about when it comes to having courage to go for your dreams
3. Lastly, what aligned action can you start taking to show the universe you are serious about what you want. Again, I did a photo shoot for my music career as an artist. Why? To show the universe okay universe I am owning that I do want to be an artist. Then the universe can be like, wow awesome Dani! Lets make it happen. So I challenge you this month to start taking aligned action. Something that feels good to you, something that will help fuel your dreamsLastly,
If you are feeling called to work together. I am here to coach you.I have launched brand new coaching programs you can check out all about on my site www.danifelt.com
I have launched several. If you desire to work with me, I am going to rock your world, teach you how to step into your power and shift your mindset so you can change your relationship with money and have more money coming into your life then you know what to do with. Because when we step into our power, opportunities, money, people come into our lives so fast. We will also dive into the networking, monetizing, promotion, social media sides of things. But it is about shifting your limiting beliefs, about becoming more self-aware and realizing we are a powerful co-creator and anything is possible. Mindset + Marketing.
An example. I am teaching my client Sarah how to change her relationship with money. First, she manifested a $10 check in the mail out of nowhere. Then a few days later a $100 donation from one of her clients and then a few days later a potential part-time job! You see when you believe and understand how powerful you are, you will see anything is possible. It is about energy not just the doing.
If you are not as woo woo I have created several other programs that are more focused on the Sync Side, Artist Development Side, and Social Media Ads side of things where you will be mostly working with my All-Star team. You can check out all 4 my new programs out here: www.danifelt.com
As always have a beautiful weekend!
Warm Regards,
Dani Felt