What Do You Stand For? The Courage To Remain Steadfast
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
What Do You Stand For?
Really, think about it.
How Dedicated are You to that?
I ask it as a bit of a Challenge, but also a Realization.
Leaders Must be Dedicated to a Code.
Yet, a Code is Difficult to Live by.
Extremely Difficult.
I have watched many people I Respected lose Everything.
They Started Strong.
Then, something happened.
I do Not Know exactly what.
For some, it may have been the Pressure.
Perhaps it was the Desire for Ease.
Maybe it was the Promise of Something Craved.
I am Unsure.
Yet, they Lost.
Who they were.
What they Stood For.
It has even Recently Happened.
This is what I Know.
The Right Way is often the Most Difficult.
It is Grueling.
It is Complex.
It will Drain You and Your Energy (Mg-ATP).
But through All of that is Something Greater.
True Connections that are Real and Authentic.
Most of these are Difficult to Quantify.
The Scientists will try, but it never is done with Justice.
The Truth is that these are All Priceless and Boundless.
There is No "Shortcut" to These.
Let's just take Connection as an Example.
I have been Watching it More Often, and seen people try to Use AI to Replace Connection.
While AI is Impressive in many ways, it is also Predictable and Lacking in the Ability to Truly Connect.
People See Right Through It.
It may be able to Provide Interesting Insight as a Tool, but Fails to Unite Individuals together.
In the World of Leadership, AI is not Creating a New Problem here, only Exacerbating a Problem that has Long be Occurring.
Many "Leaders" are Disconnected.
From their Employees.
From their Partners.
From their Customers.
From their Audience.
They are Failing to see the Most Fundamental of All Business Truths.
Businesses Serve "Humans".
Leaders "Serve" Humans.
The Problem is that when You Fail to Understand that Humans "Require" Connection, You have Failed as a Leader.
As occurs throughout History, sometimes that "Failure" is Not Immediate.
But it Happens.
Sometimes Quickly.
Sometimes Excruciatingly Painfully.
Until Nothing Exists.
Except a Whisper...
Or a Cautionary Tale.
What Is Your Code To?
As Important as Understanding Your "Code" is Understanding What Your Code is "To".
Is it to Profit Alone?
Eventually, this Extortionary Code Eventually Fails.
Eventually, the Wells Dry Out.
There is Nothing Left to Take.
What About Fame?
This Too Eventually Fails.
At some point, People tire of Praising False Idols.
They will Move On to the Next.
Here too, you will be Left with Nothing.
Understand, that for a Leader to become Legendary their Code Must be to "Humans".
And Last.
Then, you must Live Your Code to Serve.
Only in this will you Stand Tall.
Only in this will You Succeed.
Only in this will you Obtain the things Profit can Never Buy.
The Things that make Time Your Ally and Friend.
What Do You Stand For?
I Know...
Trust Me, I Know...
Exactly How Difficult it is to Remain Standing in that Code.
I watch people take Shortcuts.
Gain Credit Not Due to them.
Find Quick "Successes" that you Deeply Wish For.
I have also Watched those Shortcuts Reveal Broken Character.
I have Watched the Credit Withdrawn.
I have Watched "Successes" become Defeat.
I have Everything Crumble into Nothing.
Do Not Take the Shortcuts as a Leader.
Do Not Break Your Code.
Do Not Forget That You Serve Humans...
Who Expect to be Treated as Humans.
I Leave you on this...
Living You Code as a Leader is one of, if not "The" Most Difficult things that You Will be Asked to Do in Life.
Yet, if You Accomplish it, it will be Worth It.
Stand Fast.
Take Courage.
Know What You Stand For.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (700+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
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