What Do You Remember More?
What do you remember more - what you hear or what you see? According to Jon Hotchkiss, creator of science series "This vs That", it is what you see. The brain stores audio information in a temporary way - short term memory. What we see is stored in a way that makes it easier to recall - associated with pictures. Our connections associate instantly.
We often hear people say, "I remember your face but I can't remember your name." Do you ever hear them say, "I remember your name but I don't remember your face," Not likely! When you go to an event and meet a lot of people and get their business cards, who will you remember when you look at the cards later? It will be the ones who have their head shot on their cards. Faces are memorable. I can help you be unforgettable. One of my specialties is Head Shots. Call me to book an appointment for YOUR head shot. Become the person that they remember!
Mo Ogilvie - Mo2vated Photography 941-716-3828