What Do You Really Want in Life?

What Do You Really Want in Life?

Many individuals struggle to provide an answer to this question. How can you figure out what it is? And if the obligations imposed by society don't match your natural inclinations for your life, how can you know what to do with yourself?

It's critical to take a step back and be transparent. Otherwise, you'll be like a tiny boat caught up in the broad current of life's river, tossed from side to side without understanding why. This is why I'm creating this article to answer these questions.

If that sounds good to you, let's get started.

So What if You Really Have a Happy Life?

Some individuals can live a happy life, obtaining what they want or at least seeming to do so on the surface. However, if you examine their lives more closely, you'll discover that there is always something lacking in many of them.

What do you have to offer that might close the gap?

It could be a strong sense of purpose or some other source of motivation, and there will always be an emptiness within no matter how good everything appears on the surface. There's more than enough desire for something greater than what others claim.

Many individuals are afraid of failing in their life pursuits because they worry that they will not end up as planned. What then happens? Will everything be finished for them? Is there anything else to live for if you don't get what you desire?

Our feelings for one another are identical. When we are ruled by our passions, chasing after one thing or another without stopping to examine why we're doing so, it's like creating a wooden son out of self-interest. Instead of looking at the big picture, we want someone else who will love us unconditionally and care for us as much as possible.

Always Get What I Want In Life?

We don't always get what we want in life. However, when we do, it's critical to figure out why we wanted it—to connect with our desires at a deeper level than merely on the surface of things.

You are a living, breathing human interacting with other people. Your thoughts and emotions have an influence on your life. To live a complete life, you must first be certain about what you want and why you want it. If you can figure out what you truly desire and why, perhaps one day instead of looking up at the stars and wondering "what if," you'll look up and realize that your goals aren't as distant as they appear: they're right there inside of yourself, waiting for you to make them a reality.

What does this imply for people who aren't sure what they really want? Life may be informing us of lessons we didn't realize we needed to learn until years later. Nonetheless, it's never too late to follow your heart and pursue a life purpose.

I Exist

What you're searching for are individuals who reach out to the universe and exclaim, "I exist!" This is a basic truth of human existence on this planet, whether or not anybody else recognizes it or acknowledges it.

Consider this: There would be one more little dreamer in the world if it wasn't for everything your heart desires. Let us help ensure that does not happen by doing what we love and sharing the fruits of our labor with people who are as enthusiastic —regardless of their needs, regardless of where they come from, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or orientation.

At the end of the day, we all have strengths and flaws. It's just that we're mostly unaware of them. We all require assistance in some form or another, and that's what we're here for: to help one another. And perhaps if we work together to share our talents with the world, there will be less hatred and more compassionless violence, as well as more love.

Nothing terrible about desiring to improve your life; it shows ambition and tenacity when you're willing to put in the work toward attaining a goal like this one. However, at the end of the day, it all comes down to finding your real passion, which will most likely change many times throughout your life as you both develop as a person and become a better human being on Earth—even if you believe your route is already predetermined for you. That's just how life works, and every second is worth living because of it.

In this respect, life will surprise you by taking turns and turns that take you to locations you never expected—but it is not to be feared. We should embrace every chance we get to mature and learn and become greater than we were before.

We may get back up on our feet and more vital than ever by learning from our mistakes because, even though we may feel destroyed within, there are still aspects of ourselves that surface; because no matter how shattered or neglected or unloved we may sometimes believe deep down in our hearts (and this has been everyone at one time or another), someone else will have our backs and remind us of the truth: We are not alone.

What Am I Passionate about in Life?

What do you like doing on the weekends? You don't have to stick to just one thing! As soon as you've documented all of your favorite activities over several weeks, consider the following questions.

What am I noticing across multiple items? What do they have in common, and how are they similar (e.g., a lot of them are outdoor or physical activities)? What conclusions can you draw from this data?

Is there anything they have in common that allows each task to contribute to a sense of peace and tranquility, even though they face entirely different problems? Furthermore, do any of these activities offer me the opportunity to participate in them daily?

Consider your list of favorite activities as a word bank or a set of building blocks. Brainstorm methods to incorporate the essence of those things into your regular routine once you've figured out what matters most to you in life and why.

What's Important to me Right Now?

Consider back over the previous several weeks. What have been some recurring themes in your life (e.g., school/work responsibilities)? How do they connect? Did anything strange happen that you can recall? When my mother returned home from work one day, I noticed something significant.

What else comes to mind when I think of this? The more aspects you notice, the more likely it is that your life's work is something you were born to do. When you discover it, it may feel like magic because it so closely matches everything inside you.

Whatever your reason for discovering your passion may be, make sure you learn as much about it as possible. What organizations are linked in the community? How does it relate to other interests? How might this help you with your current job or school project?

What Activities Make me Happy and Fulfilled?

My life is more pleasurable when I spend my time doing what I enjoy/want to do. When my behavior matches my beliefs, I am proud of myself and the world. Something that makes me feel good or prevents me from progressing is a sign that it isn't in tune with my inner vision.

Pay attention to what helps you develop into the person you want to be! This may seem difficult because society tells us we need X, Y, and Z to be successful, hardworking individuals. We don't always want to disappoint others or ourselves by giving up routines that have become habits. But these outdated ways may not reflect your authentic desires.

What Kind of Person Do I Want to Be?

I see myself becoming powerful enough to change my culture and the world. Already I am empowered by doing what I genuinely love! It's clear that one day soon, people will call me a person of great character because I know how to do the right thing - no matter what it takes.

Defining your life vision can help you know if new opportunities and choices align with what matters to you. Sometimes we use a process called 'congruence testing' or coherent integration.' This helps us gain clarity by ensuring that our decisions come from an internal place of alignment where it feels right for who we are as people.

What Do I Want to be Doing for the Next 5 Years?

What we truly desire in life is much simpler than we make it out to be. When I ask people what they want, I understand that they feel compelled to hurry through their replies and get to the next question before they've even considered what they're actually saying—the difficult part is over. However, there's no need for it. It makes no difference if you haven't figured out the answer yet; at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing: being joyful.

The second step is to accept this for yourself. After that, your objectives will be a lot easier to identify and achieve in less time.


If you don't know what your heart desires, consider what your heart truly wants. Make an effort to figure it out and take a risk if you have to—you may never know where it will lead until you get there.

So what are you waiting for? Take any step toward a better life. You don't have to be afraid of change if you're doing something that makes your soul feel fulfilled on at least some level. In other words: Do what you love—no matter how frightening it is; no matter how improbable it appears; no matter who tries to dissuade or why not do it; because we only get one chance at this life, and it's a precious gift that shouldn't be squandered doing anything other than making ourselves truly happy.

We exist in time, and how we choose to spend it is our whole existence—so make the most of every opportunity you're given, and never forget where you came from because you were once right here in this very same spot: living like there was no tomorrow.

I don't think you'll ever feel the same as when you've fallen in love with some sort of art or any other form of creative expression. I believe it's entirely possible to fall in love with something that isn't a physical thing but is instead an idea, feeling, or sensation. It may surprise and amaze you what your mind can do if given free rein! Please remember: We are all just one big experiment (and by "we," I mean everyone who has lived on this planet), so let us make sure we can look back at our lives later and say they were worth every drop of paint. Because when it comes down to it, you are the of your life's work; therefore, make sure you're

And now, I'll leave you with one last thought: What do you truly want? Because if and when it's time to answer that question, don't overthink it; follow your heart because that's where dreams come true.

Let me know if I can help answer any questions you might have about your passion.


Jack HM Wong

Entrepreneur | Workshop Facilitator | Business Advisor

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Prof Jack Wong

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