What Do You Really Want? (How To Set Your Life & Business Path To The Highest Goal)
Today, I want to ask you the most important question on your entire life and business path:
What do you really want?
I filmed a quick video diving into knowing what you really want and setting your life and business path to the highest thing, check it out here!
(You should be able to tell me immediately and clearly. If you have to think about it, you're not clear enough on your path. Tell me right now—1 second. What do you want? Couldn't answer? Read on x)
Now do me a favor and break down a list of all the things that you want, take your time, everything you could want, no matter how crazy.
Done? Great
Now go next to each thing and ask yourself: why do I want this?
Look deeper into the why behind everything that you want.
Now if you go deep, you'll see that you only want those things because you think that's what will make you feel higher. That's what's going to make you feel happier, more well-being.
That's the truth behind all of it.
It's like, let's say that your goals are money, a fantastic relationship, a perfect house.
Now let's pretend that I'm a magical genie, and I'm like, okay, BOOM poof. You currently have all those things, everything you could ever want.
But the catch is you're going to feel horrible.
Every time you look at that house, you're going to get sick of it. The person that you thought was your dream person is going to turn you off. You're going to have everything perfect, but you feel horrible inside.
Is that still what you want? No. That's because it's about how you feel inside about those things that turn you on.
What you really want isn't specific things. That's just what you think is going to give you that feeling. What you really want is to feel well being, high, happy. That's really what you want.
And if you define that as your vision instead of all these little specific things, you can work directly with yourself instead of working only with the outside.
I'll give you an example in my own life.
So just like everyone else, I had my list of everything I wanted, and I always set out to relentlessly achieve it. And once I reached it, there would always be something else I thought I needed to feel fulfilled. It's always going to be something.
My usual list of main things that I wanted was:
- a six-figure online business
- work remotely and travel abroad
- exciting experiences, love, fun
That was my goal. So then, I created my mantra. My mantra was:
"I want a successful remote business I can run from anywhere in the world."
If someone said, Amy, what do you want?
"Successful remote business I can run from anywhere in the world."
Boom. Super clear. Every decision I made was towards that path. And I achieved all of it.
But I realized I wasn't defining the thing that I really wanted correctly. I thought I was. But then why did I still not feel whole and fulfilled all the time? I still didn't feel super excited and high every moment of my life.
So I changed my goal. And I changed my life-path mantra.
It became: "I want a total sense of well-being."
That's what I really want.
I saw that was the reason I wanted success. It was the reason I wanted to travel. It was the reason I wanted new experiences—that total sense of well-being, happiness, high.
For over a year now, I've been working towards that mantra, and I can not tell you how that has changed my life. I went from the mood rollercoaster to feeling consistently happy in life and business.
I challenge you to set your path higher than fleeting goals. I challenge you to reach for feeling high all the time inside yourself cause that's what everyone is chasing with outside circumstances anyway. Create from inspiration. Share your goodness with customers, loved ones, the world.
You have the right to set your path to anything you want if it's money; great! Relationship, great! Whatever you wish. You can get it. But be clear that what you really want to the deepest level is a feeling.
Define your vision; know your mantra, want it more than anything else, and you will achieve it.
Now when it comes to defining the big "why" for your business, that's next week's video.