What do YOU Really Need Today?  6 Simple Steps to Getting Needs Met

What do YOU Really Need Today? 6 Simple Steps to Getting Needs Met

Be honest. What do YOU need today? You know, real needs for YOU.  Think about what you need to keep you going, to make you happy, or to face a challenging situation.  My issue with getting needs met?  Most days I barely have 5 minutes to think about my own needs, let alone figure out how to get them met!

I support family caregivers who have a LOT of needs that are often placed on the back burner.  I'm a caregiver too....and a wife, and a mom, and a......(fill in the blank).  So, I've got some experience here on this issue of getting needs met.  

I'm going to keep this short and simple.

Over the years, here's what I've learned about having any chance of getting my needs met:

1. I must first know and admit what I need.  Yes, it requires a few minutes of deep honesty with YOUrself.
2. I prioritize.  A long list of needs isn't going to get me very focused.  So, I definitely recommend narrowing your focus.  Of everything you need, what's going to help you get through today?
3. I keep it real.  Be realistic.  I follow the 'keep it simple' thinking to falling into the trap of coming up with grandiose needs that there's no chance in seeing fulfilled...at least not today!
4. I pray.  I don't pray for the 'thing' I need.  Rather, I pray that whatever comes today I am armed with all that's needed to find my way through the day, with strength, courage and some joy thrown in.
5. I must own a key role in taking the initiative to get my needs met for that day (whether that means setting boundaries, freeing up time, or asking the right person who is prepared to help me...if I need help).  I've found many times that the "Golden Rule" (do unto others as you'd have them do unto you) is just what it takes to get my own needs met, by first giving it away to someone else.  
6. I accept and find joy in what and which of my needs are met... and celebrate the surprises that come along the way.  Remember that prayer?  Well, acceptance of what's provided and encountered in any given day is absolutely necessary if you hope to find any happiness or peace.

I use this method quite often when coaching family caregivers.  And, it works!

So, in the picture above you see the 3 things I need for today.  

What do YOU need?

Whatever those needs are, I hope you find the simple joys you need for just today!

Deb Kelsey-Davis  is a family caregiver advocate and expert, having been a caregiver herself both personally and professionally for the past 3 decades.  She’s also an author, speaker and creator of a faith-based program and workshop series for family caregivers.  


