What do you do to prepare for the next game?
Adrian Cronin
Assistant Manager and Head of Goalkeeping Development at Galway United Women's FC.UEFA B Goalkeeping licence
After the weekend ,when you have played your game, what do you do to prepare for the next game? If you played a good game or didn’t play to your full potential the first thing to do is to evaluate your performance, but how you do this is important.
Ever notice after a game no matter how you play you tend to focus more on what went wrong than on what went well, it’s human nature to be negative and hard on yourself when things don’t go the way you want.
But did you know that when you focus on a negative all your doing is reinforcing that negative,when you do this there is more chance of repeating the mistake.That’s because what the mind sees the body does.
Instead, after your game focus on three things you did well, and one thing you want to improve on, note I said “one thing you want to improve on” not one thing you done wrong. Change the negative into the a positive, this helps give you purpose, a goal to work to the following week after your game. this will make you feel like you are working towards improvement rather than feeling down about mistake.