What do you need to Unlearn?
I am writing this from my sick bed, on a surprise rain day here in Pasadena, California.
Back in my Corporate days, when I was sick I would take whatever medication necessary to get myself into some semi-functional state to go into the office.?Nowadays, I know that is counter-productive and I give my body the time it needs to recover.?In fact, I cannot coach when my brain isn't at 100% so I really CAN"T work. This message is my only task for the day!
I have been in a process of “becoming wild” for many years (you can read the full story here). To me, becoming wild is about freedom; of thought, of belief - understanding that we choose our beliefs and thoughts and therefore we can choose to change them when they don't serve us. A large part of that process is “unlearning” so many of the things that we have been told by society.
“…unlearning is the highest form of learning” - Rumi?
I have been consciously "unlearning" for more than seven years now and what I have come to understand is that it is a lifelong process.*
Here are some of the things I have been “unlearning” over the past couple of years:
That pushing through when you are sick or on your period shows that you are better than people who stay home.
That your brain is your center of intelligence and your body can be ignored.
That a woman mustn’t be angry.
That a woman mustn’t put herself first.
That as a woman over 50 I no longer have anything worthwhile to offer society.
That in order to make money and be successful you have to work constantly.
My experiences growing up and the messages that I was given by the media told me that these things are true.?While holding on to these beliefs I did not allow for the possibility of a different reality. Now I know that none of these things are true for me.?By unlearning these "facts" I have opened myself up to new beliefs, new possibilities and a free-er, happier way of “doing life”.??
What would it serve you to unlearn?
Where did you get that belief from?
Why did you choose to believe it?
What new belief would you like to learn??
What possibilities would open up from this new belief?
One of my clients said to me recently; “Emma, you are the free-est bitch I know!”.?I consider that to be the greatest compliment I have ever received.?I know that I will spend the rest of my life unlearning and am excited at the possibilities that each new perspective will reveal . . .?
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*Thank you to the wonderful Andrea Leda who first introduced me to "Beliefs Work".