What do you need right now? Feel it.
Alexei Scutari on Unsplash

What do you need right now? Feel it.

“Everything is worthwhile if it makes you feel” - Fritz Perls

Each of us wants satisfaction in our lives. We desire to live fully, to connect with our emotions, and to experience inner peace. Although achieving this may not seem easy, the root cause of the discomfort we experience often lies in not understanding our needs or not being able to meet them in appropriate ways, even if we understand them. This can be explained by the inadequacy of the caregiver in meeting our needs during the early years of our lives.?

For example, when we think of a crying baby, we can understand that the baby actually has a need that should be met, such as a need for food, water, or security. When the caregiver, usually the mother, fails to respond to the baby's need for security and instead provides water, the baby's need remains unmet in appropriate ways. As a result, the baby may learn to achieve satisfaction through incorrect means.

On the other hand, our emotional needs are equally valuable and important as our physical needs. Needs such as trust, love, recognition, and respect can sometimes be overlooked. As a result, we distance ourselves from our needs and struggle to perceive what we actually need. Sometimes we become so distant from our needs that we define our personality in extreme terms just to exist.?

For example, we do not allow ourselves the right to be lazy with descriptions such as "I am hardworking." However, the complete opposite of the attributes we possess can also be functional for us in appropriate situations. In this example, when we allow ourselves the right to be lazy, we can take time for ourselves and realize that being lazy does not take away anything from us.

Nevertheless, it is natural to struggle with understanding what we need. We may have chosen this approach to adapt to certain situations, to assert our existence, or because our needs have always been ignored. At this point, in order to live a more satisfying life, it may be necessary to pay attention to your needs.

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We sometimes forget to look at the world as a whole, which is why negative realities often catch our attention. The fast-paced world we live in can strain our relationship with our bodies, our environment, and ourselves. That's why this week, don't forget to ask yourself frequently the question that "What do I need right now?"

Remember, Relate by Your Side!

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Matt Duncan on Unsplash

When we forget to engage with our emotions for a long time, we can struggle to identify, differentiate, and name them. That's why recognizing our emotional needs may not be easy. To fulfill this need, you can start your journey of "Developing Emotional Intelligence" with Relate.

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The song delves into the struggles and desires of life, as Drake and Lil Baby reflect on the balance between what they want and what they need. The lyrics are introspective, touching on themes of success, fame, and personal growth.

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Dan Gilbert's TEDx talk on the psychology of our future self offers a thought-provoking exploration of how our minds perceive and plan for the future. By understanding the biases and influences that shape our perception of our future selves, we can make more intentional choices and strive for a more fulfilling and authentic life.?

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This week we recommend the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. Tolle's insightful teachings offer practical guidance on how to break free from negative thought patterns, release emotional baggage, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness.

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