What Do You Need to Let Go?
Janelle Bruland, CBSE
??Empowering Entrepreneurs to Live a Balanced, Joyful Life ??Follow me for daily inspiration | ??Award Winning Author | ???? Leadership Coach | ??Podcast Host | ??Creator of The Success Life programs
Fall is here in the Northwest and with it crisp temperatures with a bit of morning mist giving way to warm sunny days. Though I love the change of seasons I must admit I am mourning the end of summer just a bit.
Out on the golf course yesterday the deep green of the fir trees against the bright changing colors of red and gold on the stately maples created a stunning display. As we walked the course we stepped (and lost a ball or two) among the vibrant leaves the trees had already cast off.
The trees provide a beautiful example of letting things go. We know it is only a matter of time before Spring arrives. With it new growth will appear, and the trees will display a vibrant new life. This example can be true of us as well. There are changing seasons in our own lives - times where we need to take stock and do some casting off of things it is time to end.
Here are some areas to consider:
What are you holding on to that it is time to let go? When you let go you create the space in your life for something better. It is only when you release the things you no longer need that you are free to embrace new opportunities and to become who you are truly meant to be.
I always like the fall...perhaps because the trees do teach us how beautiful it is to let go. I like this newsletter a great deal. You identified specific areas where letting go can be healing. I find that clinging with attachment to outcomes I don't control can be a root source of suffering. And since we actually control very few outcomes, letting go brings peace.