What do you mean by the great & the good

What do you mean by the great & the good

It is said that "Data Sovereignty" is the people'sd last chance to Freedom of Intelligence 10 9 8 coming soon ([email protected]"7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Unfortunately if you speak english each word - good, great, has many diferent meanings. Few would dispute Simone Biles as a Goat (greatest of all time ) at womens gymnastics. She also did good by surviving an abusive man and exposing one of america's most pathetically adminstrated sporting associations.

AI's greatest of the last quarter century who aalso study neuroscience find that the development of male and female bodoies physically and mentally face different chalenges through the same years that sport genii train most. There is , as yet, no evidenace that any western nation's education system recognises this

We can offers fascinating compass of human intelligence - ask for example Melinda Gates or alyson felix or A'Ja Wison o Salefsorce's Benioff, Billy King or Naomi Osaka . Or ask Macron as in february 2025 Paris is hosting AI world series greatest yet youth inquiryu into the future combo of AI and the value to youth of celebrity platforms like the olympics.

Or if the compound future value of cities futures intersts you ask Wash DC architect L'Enfant about grids of streets with diagonal boulevards. Milan's and LA's future wealth is massively investing on good answers emerging from this journey through the most exitiong years to be alive. For better for worse engineering intelligence has always been such a race with species futures non the line. Million time moore microcvhip compute; million times more data mobilising between every gps/community on a clouded planet; million times deep learning GPU s


In the first half of the 20th Centuiry, 3 people did far more than the rest of humanity to define the game of engioneering inteliugenncve. Neumann Einstein Turing. Whilst they were 3 generations apart, they died suddenly within 3 years of each otyher. Academicallyb tyhis has caused havoc with many of theeir faorite mind puzzles (eg neuyron networks) fall but forgotten for half a centurty. Also at least 2 of them were buoyed up by great women coders. Their direct personal impacts on each other are confuising as they were only co-located for a year - the last 12 minthjs before world war 2. And then the inefficient design of princeton located the youngets mind Turing 5 miles away from Neumann-Einstein. By 1938 Einstein'sd mind wasnt producing mathemativcal breakthroughs but fasinnating philosohpical ones - eg see his later dialoguues with Gandhi, GFreoud, and historically black students!

CASE 2025.1 ELON MUSK - His Good parts.

Amongst famous western [people his brain has top 10 capacity. (great)

It has massed the mpst money (?/?)

It is said that when he landed in States his brain wanted to work on important stuff -either neglected areas eg battery capacity, or areas where humans needed better exchnages eg paypal (though he exited from that fairly quikly to be free top bank hos own stuiff). Electruic cars appealed as the most massive demand for public robot (autonomous engibeeriung)

Great: There arebat leat 10 geographical stories of the first time he made a presentaion in a place where he lit a fire for radical entrepreneurship among co-creative peoples

It is also rumored that his team had to have the first nvidia computer designed to do deep learning ai. That became very complicated. Originally an open foundation, well every yera from 2015 needs transparenmt mapping if engineering inetlligence is to help mileenials be the first renewble generation -be that inside the beltway , across all states of america or across most nations

what else - please post in comments if you can?

Von Neumann represneted all of the NET (Neimann Einstein Turing) when he summarised this future quiz for 2025reporters of AI Gaess

It will take 75 to 85 years from end of world war 2 to see whether our gift of computing and autonomois engines compound bester consequences than mid 19th C's liftoff of connections-engineering -transportatiom, telecoms and electricity /infratructures. The stakes for health and wealth will be 10 to 100 times higher than world wars of my half of the 20th C

Good for hunamity will depend on designing above zero sum tradung games eg around learning whiose cxatiuons can muktiply vakue in use unliike consuning up things.

If during my time we who knew energy of the nuclear bomb wereb both the mols hated annd nationally wanted of people, the most hated and wanted of those who enguineer inetlligence will be far more testing of their own brains and bodies

This suggetss those place leaders hwo host AI summits (King Charles Korea/Japan, France's <Macron) have a "great" role to play that will define millennials futures for better or for worse.. Alongside this how americans not living in DC nor the valley mediate the great and good who dont spend the next 65 years in those places will neef to find a lot of media literacy and emotional trust

Envoi: I am remnded of an oriental say the king cannot change until the people chnage. Peronally as a diaspora scot if fi9nd contienmts of states quartelliing with each other unconducive to seeing that education lives up to its intergenerational challeges. I treasure the fact that aciidentally a British Dutch corporate intoduced me back in 1982 to 3 island peoples 70 journeys across Asia later - - Singapor, Hong Kong, Taiwan. May these 3 populatiosn who have advbnced so much tech good over the last 40 years be kept safe whatever else happens in 2025 next

Which relatively compact geographical spaces do you love and twin knowhow exchnages between? What else aboyt god & great should we be chatting about in the next 70 days. I dont need any holidays over the next 70 days if there is any deep questioninmg you see worth trying to reherase before 2025reporters games play out asynchroboulsy therough every gps/community on mother earthg.

Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab

ai20s.com 2025reportersclub thanks Kamala for most decency White House ever seen,,,

2 周

What if a place is only as great as ithe way its people's spend 4 thing life'time*,omey*trus*data what I am certain about is beware every single second how are you spending your life'times - conversely money is really weird- making enough of it seems to matter- what is enough nobody agreesd; unlike death some people seem able to com,e back from below zero www.abedmooc.com trust is peculiar too- acccoriding to adam smit if transparenmcy rules you cant really come back frok totally destroying your reputation but tyhen clearly som,e people not omnly comeback but rule bey fof having a violent reputation of cousre data is the most mysterious of ll; whenh I entered my teens you couldn't map that m,ucj of it with a slide ruler and operatir dialled telephones ; today i calcukate some of us have 10**18 more data access - million times from moores law milion times from satellite mobilisation and million times from partnering nvidia's accelerated platforms; this is 75th year since a chnace conversation woth vonm neumann caused my family to believe asking why nit at least 100 times more ehalt and welath for every being with 10*18 more data maping. How do you see these 4 variables?

