What do you know about Spent Pot Lining?
International Aluminium Institute
Aluminium, shaping a better tomorrow
Spent Pot Lining (SPL) is a solid waste generated during the production of primary aluminium.
Aluminium is produced in lined steel pots.The lining of the pot is typically made of two layers – an insulating refractory lining and an interior carbon lining.
As part of the aluminium industry’s waste-not-want-not approach to circularity – the IAI produced a factsheet on spent pot lining (SPL).
The Spent Pot Lining Factsheet explains how SPL is produced, its availability and its use – and is presented in a simple and clear format to help inform the intended audience about the importance and usage of this by-product. The Factsheet also provides more information about toxicity levels and cites various case studies of how companies successfully use SPL.
Almost half (40-50%) of spent pot lining generated is recycled and used in other industrial processes, such as cement production, steel production and mineral wool production. It can also be treated and deposited in specially designed and closely monitored landfills. The industry is actively seeking ways to maximise opportunities to recycle spent pot lining and reduce landfill
You can download the factsheet in English and Chinese here.