What do you know about personal branding? Are you missing out on a monumental opportunity?
Arun Joseph
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Technology has caused a monumental shift in influence. Today the average person gets 560% more engagement sharing a brand message than when that same brand message is shared by a company on social media. The average employee has ten times the amount of followers as their company on social media. The internet has allowed anyone anywhere to be accessible by anybody anywhere in the world and that’s how one person can have more influence and consumer trust than an entire organisation. This is not a possibility, this is our reality. The future of branding is personal.
92% of people trust a recommendation from a person over a company. That’s because people have lost trust in corporate branding. Now companies are looking to influencers to market their products. Influencers are everyday people like you and me who have built up a large social network online. Branding has shifted from humanizing objects and abstracts to influencing people with other people who they know, like and trust.
A recent survey of 1700 senior Executives worldwide shows that many of them believe that the personal brand of the CEO would become more important than the brand of their company. We see this today on social media. Michael Dell has twice the number of followers on social media than Dell. Elon Musk has 14 million followers Tesla has about 2 million. The CEOs face elicits a response they are no longer a powerful shadow in a hypothetical boardroom.
Personal branding works for more than just entertainers but it applies to every industry, helping people share their story leverage their expertise and make a positive impact on society. Whether you are looking for a new job or there’s something that you want to change in your community. Maybe you need funding for a cause or a great business idea or you are looking to monetise a hobby after you retire. Your personal brand is the most powerful tool you have to accomplish your goals.
Branding is no longer about companies managing our perception. Today it is about people creating and sharing human experiences.
If you would like help with developing and managing your personal brand, there’s company that’s expert in this field. Their smart digital platform is equipped to do that for you in a matter of hours. So you can create and launch your personal brand without having to learn anything new within 24hrs. Their platform allows you listen, fine tune and enhance your personal branding in real-time all through the year. So you are always going forward building and engaging with more and more people and rising as a digital thought leader. Their by-line interestingly – Be loved, not overlooked. Here is their website www.businessclasstm.com
At this point it might be interesting to talk about Cult branding which is where Business Class TMs platform helps you achieve.
Be Remarkable - Cult brands endeavor to be remarkable in everything that they do or sell. It is the ability to evoke a verbal response or remark from consumers.
Mediocrity does not win fans or loyal customers. Cult brands exploit the human desire to share by intentionally creating social currency. They know that doing something or providing something that is truly exceptional is guaranteed to get people talking and what better form of marketing is there.
Have purpose- The most successful brands stand for something bigger than they make themselves, a higher purpose. People buy into a noble cause.
Be relatable - Human traits that brands exhibit influence 50% of all purchase intent, of all loyalty and the likelihood to recommend.
Be involved – create communities and forums for engagement and feedback
Be Pervasive – intercept rather than interrupt
The content is made from extracts of various TED talks by leading lights in Personal and Cult branding and curated by Arun Joseph, https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/arunvjoseph/