What do you know about GLAUCOMA
Judy (Junjun) Wu-EP MHE Manufacturer
EP EQUIPMENT CO,. LTD. - sales for Latin American Market
Before, I knew nothing about "glaucoma", I even did not know this English Word. But now it becomes my most frequently using word on searching.
That is all because that my husband is found getting this disease recently. His field of view is half damaged for ever. The situation is getting worse and the process is irreversible. He is only 30 years old, our lovely daughter is only 3 years old. we are responsible for the old and the young, but "GLAUCOMA" comes.
He is under treatment of drops called travatan, don't know how it will come out. He said he know his situation, that he may hv to leave his job as engineer for which he has to face to computer mre than 8 hours per day. and he may lose all the sight within 5-8 years. His intraocular pressure is in the normal level, and SLT is not suggestable.
Now I only want to get know any good method or experience could slow down the process of losing sight. Thus he may hv chance to see our daughter wearing her wedding dress.
Thanks for reading.