What do you do?
Marinating in the conversation from my monthly mastermind call last night:
- Q - What is it that you do? What kind of business are you in?
- A - real estate
- Q - Now what do you really do?
- A - people
I've been thinking about this all day. I'm in the people business - connecting, directing, sharing, learning, growing, and assisting. My primary occupation is "people-ing".
You can take that to the bank.
Someone once told me that the amount of money you make is in direct proportion to the number of people you help.
Total truth. Get out there and help people - share your gifts - the money will come. xo
Side note: The really sad part is that I put "peopleing" in google images to find a coveer photo for this article and this is what I was served:
I read an article today that the average person has 50k thoughts a day, and 80% of them are negative. The search results above would agree with that...be the change, be love, be you. The world is ready. <3