What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
Are you Fed Up With Your Job, the boring 9-5 way of life and looking for a better way of life?
Wellere is What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
Yes there really is a way out and the life style is so different then the way most live that many think it is just a dream but read on and i will prove to you that it really is possible to live just as you like with enough money to do all the things you ever wanted and have the most important thing FREEDOM to live as YOU want.
So After working as a carpenter and builder in the wet and windy UK i now live in sunny Spain and travel the world doing all the things i love with my new wife and i show others that anyone can do as i did if they really want to learn just a few new skills that will take just a few hours a day.
Hi guys, My name is David Wright and i am 53 years young. one day sitting in a traffic jam on my way home from a long hard days on a building site where i got wet through working all day in the rain, I looked out of my car window and saw a poster on a shop wall of a pretty girl walking along an amazing warm white sandy beach in Mexico, it was a holiday advert for an airline and just looking at that poster made me long for just a chance to be sitting on that beach with the sun on my body.
Looking out of my rain drenched window as the traffic started to move, i decided that enough was enough and that i would find a better way to make money than working all week just to earn enough to pay the bills and have 1 holiday a year. I loved to travel but normally only had one 2 week holiday a year if we were lucky and this was how my life was going to be until i retired in 25 years time. NO THANKS.
this is where i wana be.....
What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
As soon as i arrived home that night i told my then wife that we were going to live in Spain on the beach. She shocked me with her reply as she just said "OK when" it seemed that she too had had a bad day and wanted something different.
A few hours later and After a bottle of wine and a long chat we decided that we would go to Spain and rent for 6 months to try it out.
So fast forward a few months and the day came for us to move. we arrived in Almeria Spain and although i had been to Spain a few times as a kid, This part of Spain was new to us both.
Both of us had packed in our jobs and rented this small apartment right on the beach and after 2 weeks just taking it all in, i started looking for work. Then one day as we were having coffee in a beach bar, i heard a guy talk about some work being done on a local English guys house just up the road and asked if he know of any work for a carpenter. He told me that the owner was a builder and that he normally came in on Friday nights, so that next Friday night we went down to the bar and after a long chat with this guy he gave me a job as a carpenter on a building project he had in the hills not far from where we were staying, the money was not good about half of what i was earning back in the UK but it was a start and we didn't need that much as Spain is cheap to live back then.
Now there i was working as a carpenter in sunny Spain, it was a far cry from working in the wind and rain of the UK and most days even though it was November, I was working in shorts and T shirts. This was way better than i had thought. sitting under orange trees having my lunch rather than in a dark wet hut having a sandwich
What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
This was my way of life for about 6 months and we decide that we would sell the house back in the UK and buy here in Spain. A few months down the road we had sold and bought an apartment here near the beach and life was pretty good as this part of Spain has one of the driest climates in Europe.
And Then it started to go wrong.
With First the crisis hit and Spain was hit hard with work drying up almost over night and people were just not having any work done as they were worried about what was going to happen. At this time many People living in Spain started to sell up and move back to the UK with great losses . This went on for about 1 year and at this time my then wife and i were having problems so she decided to move back for a few months and stay with a sister. Just 6 months later we decided to divorce after 12 years of pretty good life together.
There i was now in a new country not being able to speak Spanish very well and alone with a large mortgage and no work. It really was tuff times and would have been so easy to just give up and go back to the UK but the thought of going back to sit in that traffic again and work in all weathers was just not very appealing to me.
About this point i stated to look online for a better way to earn money and thought about trying to make money online. So sitting at the pc for hours on end i search for ways to make money online and was shocked at just how many people are pushing their best way to get rich online businesses.
After trying a few and spending money that i really needed on things that did not work for me, i finally found what i was looking for. I knew that i knew nothing about making money online and needed training from someone who really did make money online, this business that i found was an online training system that teaches everything you need to know to start an online business working online the hours that suit you from anywhere and that appealed to me no end, being able to work online from anywhere was real freedom.
I wanted in and so i joined at the basic level and then upgraded to get access to some more training and was sitting day and night at my pc soaking it all up. Now just to say here that me knowledge of the internet was next to nothing back then, i was lucky to just send a few emails and surf the net a little but that was really it. The business that i had started was like an online collage with training products that you went through and had the rights to sell on once you owned the products. it is like an online library where you get the products learn the product and then move on to the next and make money selling that product to help others learn, also the selling was done for you almost on auto pilot.
For me ne of the most important things about making money online is the right mind set and i had to learn this too.
I will give you an idea of how i was back when i started and how i am now.
Before i started this online business i was thinking that i would just buy the cheapest basic things to see if it works and then if it worked i would buy more and work harder. now i know that my education and my training is what is going to make me the money and getting the right products and training now as fast as i can will help me learn just what i need to generate my online income. i am always reading and listening to audio books on new products and training that the company has and soaking up everything i can. I now do not think i will try it for a while to see if it works, I now think I will keep going what ever it takes until i have enough money to live as i want and i will tack action every day to get to that point.
It is so very easy to quit anything if you do not start seeing results straight away, thats just how we are, but if you look at it in a different way like I will follow this until it works, the whole mind set is changed and you will find ways around any problems that you have. There is a great saying that i love...
"If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right"
Ok So how does the training work?
There are online audio and video training that shows you step by step just what to do and as you go through the videos at a time and place that suits you, you can see what to do and follow it as you learn and if at any time you get stuck, you just rewind and go back over it or get help from the online coaches that are there to guide you through every step of the way.
What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
You want to know how is my life now?
So fast forward again a few years and now i have been with this online business for neally 3 years and i am now making a full time online income working part time the hours that suit my from anywhere i like and now i get to travel as much as i like.
I have a new Spanish wife and we have been married 2 years now and in just the last 2 years we have had around 12 holidays to some amazing places and are planning our next trip right now.
What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
Yes There are many ways to make money online and some work better that others but what you need above all is the right training and this business i am with is all about training and getting people earning asap so that way they see it works and they stay with it to build a healthy online business that will give them the income and life style that they want.
Look it is not a get rich quick system, although people are making money fast with it, This is a real online business with Real products that people need to learn just how to start an online business and it has been designed to get even the newbie earning as fast as possible.
If you are fed up with the boring 9-5 way of life that we have all been brought up with, then I am here to tell you that there really is a better way if you are ready to learn a few new skills.
Here is ....What To Do If You Are Fed Up With Your Job
Take a look at the online business that i am now using below now.....