What do you expect from the Salone Internazionale del Mobile?
Everybody can’t wait to take part to the next edition of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan. The most important company belonging to Home Furnishing and Lighting industries will finally show their new, forward-looking products. And you? What do you expect to see at the exhibition, in terms of innovative products and unusual shapes?
Thanks to 3D Printing technologies (as those Skorpion Engineering offers to its customers), creative designers can invent any kind of unusual, strange or never-seen-before shapes. 3D modelling and 3D printing are the 2 steps aimed to create 3D experiences and amazing products.
How can you exploit the benefits of 3D Printing? For example, using it for rapid manufacturing in home furnishing, sculpture or fashion sector.
Everybody can find any kind of furnishing products on the market; it makes designers’ job harder. Actually, it is very difficult to surprise consumers. This is the reason why, 3D printing technologies are a great support for innovation, both in terms of aesthetic and in terms of originality.
Also Art industry is approaching the contemporary technologies of Rapid manufacturing in order to achieve different goals: creating new eccentric works of art (for example printing it using special resins and then coating it with metal plating), duplicating existing works of art so to protect the original ones, emulating existing works of art so to create new sculptures.
If you can think it, you can realize and wear it! Lots of flexible and soft-touch materials can be used to manufacture clothes or accessories. The result is amazing and you will be memorable.
Here are only some of the many things you can do using 3D printing technologies… Do you think we will see something like that during the next edition of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile?