What if they do, and you could?
I can't help myself, articles like this or this one are just too good to pass up. However, what I write and what these authors write are infinite parallel universes apart. I can't understand much more than the bottom line of the underlying parallel universe/multiverse theory debate:
There may be an infinite number of universes parallel to the only one many believe exists. And if there are, wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow get to them using inner parallel universe time travel machines?
Raymond's story, and soon to be Shelly's sequel, are fiction accounts assuming parallel universes (the multiverse if you prefer) along with the ability to access them, does exist. I'm proposing what might happen when Ray and Shelly find themself dead, visiting some of their unlived lives in universes parallel to the one in which they died. You know, the fun stuff.
Writing their stories has sometimes been trippy. I occasionally get so lost in the process of writing a scene, creating dialog between two characters, I subconsciously envision myself with them.
If they're depressed, I'm depressed. If they're surprised, I'm surprised.
Maybe writing this is my inner parallel universe time travel machine.