What Do You Believe…?

What Do You Believe…?

When was the last time that you questioned your beliefs? And why is it important to introduce a healthy line of curiosity into the source of your deeply-held convictions? Are you curious? ?The answer might just surprise you.

We become so deeply attached to our view of the world that we rarely pause to wonder if there are any alternatives. We prefer the comforting safety of knowing that we’re right rather than entertaining unsettling doubts that might identify fracture lines in the foundations of our beliefs. Humans prefer continuity. We are not comfortable with uncertainty. Even when the evidence pushes us towards new conclusions, we are largely reluctant to adjust our view of the world.

Once you begin to ponder the nature of your beliefs, it’s easy to slip down the rabbit hole and find yourself in a world where your views might not survive the light of closer scrutiny. But why would we want to live in a world that’s so narrowly defined by the limitations of our beliefs? Perhaps the better question would be to ask whether your beliefs are supporting your health and happiness and wellbeing. Or whether your views are adding to the resistance and obstacles you encounter along life’s pathway. In other words, do your beliefs help or hinder your progress?

The latest research into the nature of consciousness suggests that we are all projecting our personal view of reality onto the raw fabric of the universe. Our beliefs are pivotal to the way that reality expresses itself. When we adjust our beliefs and choose a more positive set of alternatives, the world tends to conform more closely to this conscious projection of energy. It’s a powerful message that reminds us of how our beliefs interact with the nature of the universe. Perhaps today would be the perfect moment to consider the nature of your belief system and begin to construct a life that better suits your needs and objectives, as well as considering the needs of the rest of the planet.

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