What do you do again?

What do you do again?

Is it just me or is it quite inconvenient at times when someone asks "what do you do?"

Here's what's going through my mind when I hear (or read) that:

"Uhhh, don't you know already?"

But to be fair...they more than likely have no clue what you/we actually do and sincerely want to know

So I ask the same question to you:

"what do YOU do?"

or at least...

what do you say, when YOU get that question


Here's thought #2 to consider:




Are you able to distill what you do into a concise manner that won't put people to sleep when you express it?

How many creative/specific angles do you have when describing what you do?

Are you able to articulate your thesis in a variety of ways?

**did you catch what just happened there??! #boom**

I'm not the greatest writer or communicator, and because of that I set a goal to get better...EVERYDAY!!

A recent gem of a find, has been quite refreshing as I go through and practice some of his teachings.

I stumbled across a young man named Carlos Redlich via one of my friend Mark's recommendation.

As I did my due diligence, I landed on his site, downloaded the free Subject Line Templates then watched the 15 minute video on the 17 Types of Copy

The kid is good!!

I don't know the dude but I friended him (just like you guys did) when I read Mark's post.

The stuff he shares in his video is a good overview BUT what it did for me...was challenge me to think differently about a single topic, in fact 17 different ways to think about it

So, I'd like to pose this premise for your musings:

If you had 17 different, creative, intriguing, emotion grabbing, eyebrow raising ways to say the same thing...how would that help you in communicating your worth to potential customers?

People hear messages differently

If you've got a ton of ways to illustrate the same point, i think it would benefit you more than harm you


Just a thought :)

Now a challenge (if you're feeling froggish)

What do you actually tell people (or write) when you share what you do as a service provider?

If you're brave, share it in the comments

If you're a troll, keep it pushing

If you're a smarta$&, do what you do


Have something good to say - about what you do - and keep it simple -

That way, the widdle boy in the picture can go and tell his rich rich daddy to pay the "nice man who helps (fill in the blank)" for his help




This is Carlos' link to the Subject Lines and the 17 Types video I mentioned




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