What Do Yard Sales and Precious Memories Have in Common?

What Do Yard Sales and Precious Memories Have in Common?

The Community Yard Sale is a huge twice-a-year event in our neighborhood. If you like yard sales, ours is considered “Yard Sale Heaven.”  Forty to fifty families normally participate; as a result, there are thousands of things for sale. And . . . guess who is in charge of organizing it?

As we all know, it has been a long cold winter . . . however, the weather last Saturday turned out to be very inviting . . . chilly, but blue skies. Potential buyers came by the hundreds. Participants and treasure seekers alike were ready to be outside . . . engaging with neighbors and strangers . . . looking for the next great bargain.

As I handed out flyers in the morning — I discovered people came to our event from as far away as Wilksboro, Hickory, Salisbury, Charlotte, Greensboro, South Carolina and one carload of eager buyers came from Virginia. My goodness! The word has spread — if you enjoy YARD SALES . . . our neighborhood is the place to be.

Now you ask . . . Why is “My Dog Skip” pictured in this post about a yard sale event? I simply have to share a memory. First, let me apologize to my son — this might be a little embarrassing for him

As I was cleaning my house and purging for the sale (NOTE: I don’t participate — but I let others use my yard and then I put a few things out too) Anyway . . . I ran across a ton of old movies on VHS and DVD. “My Dog Skip” was among the collection. My anecdote . . .

For those parents who have experienced the transition when they take their child to college . . . this one’s for you!

On the day before we took our son to college for the first time, I asked him, “What would you like to do on your last night home before you go to CNU?”

To my complete surprise — after a few moments of thought — he responded, “I think I want to stay home and watch a movie with you and Dad.”

Needless to say — my heart swelled and sentimental tears burned my eyes — but I kept them in check as I suggested, “I have heard that “My Dog Skip” is good. Would you like me to go to the video store and pick it up?”

My son stared directly at me, “Okay . . . but make sure it isn’t a sad movie . . . and the dog doesn’t die. I don’t want to see any sad movies tonight.

So . . . off I went to Power Video at Belle View Shopping Center (we lived in Alexandria, Virginia at the time.) With movie in hand, I walked to the check out counter and asked the adorable teenager behind the counter, “Has anyone seen this movie — if so — can you tell me if the dog dies. I don’t want a sad movie.”

The cute teenager responded, “I’ve seen it. It’s really good — and no . . it’s not sad. I promise.”

So — home I went with rented movie in hand.

After dinner . . . Roger, Rick and I sat down to watch “My Dog Skip.” It turned out to be a sweet coming of age movie about a boy and his dog. The story line was light and fun . . . until the end . . . when the parents put their son on the bus to GO TO COLLEGE . . . and the dog stood with the parents as they waved good-bye. My sentimental son looked over at me with enormous tears pouring out of his eyes. He could barely talk when he said, “Mom! I told you . . . no sad movies.”

This is one of those unforgettable, monumental parenting moments that Roger and I hold dear to our hearts. I honestly do not remember the details of that movie — but I will never forget the expression on my son’s face. And for that reason — “My Dog Skip” was eventually purchased for our movie collection — and I can’t part with it.

Some things simply cannot be sold at a yard sale

Do you go to yard sales? Have you ever hosted one? If so, have you ever put an item out to sell and snatched it back before a stranger could buy it? Even worse . . . have you ever sold an item that evokes precious memories and instantly regretted it?


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Tesa Jones

Blogger & Published Author - Reflection of Memories and Cobwebs of Time and Reporter for LKN Connect online magazine

6 年

For those of you who enjoy The Harbour Community Yard Sale . . . the FALL 2018 date has been chosen.? #MARKYOURCALENDARS? Saturday, September 29th? 7:30 to Noon.? #rainorshine?? If you have been to this event before - you KNOW how great it is . . . if you have never attended . . . come join the fun!?? #mooresvillenc



