What To Do When Your Team’s Vibe Is Off
Food Safety Experts
Our mission is to enable QA and Food Safety professionals to make a difference towards improving food safety.
Has your team lost sight of its purpose and the goals you’re working toward together? If so, it might be time for a team reset that focuses on realignment. Or, maybe your team just doesn’t feel like a team anymore? Maybe team members feel disconnected, invalidated, or frustrated, and even minor issues are creating friction? In that case, your reset must focus on revitalizing your team dynamic. This article focuses on some approaches that managers can use to address alignment gaps to jump-start a new, healthier, happier team dynamic.
Is your team feeling stuck, stymied, or just a bit stale? Have you fallen into routines that are no longer serving you? It’s okay; teams need occasional course corrections, even in calm waters. And in today’s stormy seas, you might need to chart a whole new course as we navigate return-to-office and hybrid work arrangements. The good news is that resetting your team can be easier than you think.
Your first step is to reflect on what feels off. You can think about it in two broad categories. First, is the problem that your team has lost sight of your purpose and the goals you’re working toward? If so, your reset will need to focus on realignment. The other possibility (and it could be both) is that you don’t feel like a team anymore. Maybe team members feel disconnected, invalidated, or frustrated — so much so that even minor issues are creating friction. In that case, your reset must focus on revitalizing your team dynamic. Here’s how to navigate both of these approaches:
You’ll want to prioritize realignment over revitalization for two reasons. First, many team dysfunctions manifest as trust issues when, in fact, they stem from discrepancies in goals, priorities, or expectations. Clearing up those misunderstandings often resolves what you thought were interpersonal issues.
Another reason to start with realignment is that it allows you to tie your reset to external shifts rather than individual behavior problems, making it less likely to trigger defensiveness. When you realign, you’re not judging anyone; instead, you’re asking how you need to evolve to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate emerging risks. Here are some anchor points for realignment. Choose the ones that best match your situation.
Reset your team’s mandate.
The first possibility is that your team’s purpose needs to evolve. You can explore that possibility with these questions.
Reset your team’s goals.
If your mandate has changed, you’ll certainly need to revisit your goals, but even if your purpose is unchanged, your goals might need a refresh. So, consider these as reasons to move the target.
Reset your strategies and tactics.
Any changes based on your mandate or goals will necessitate reexamining your strategies. But don’t limit a strategy refresh to situations where the targets have moved; considering new possibilities can be a good reset anytime.
Reset your roles.
It’s possible that your team is on the right track but that you’re not optimizing the energy and talents of team members. In that case, consider these questions about individuals’ accountabilities.
One of the most constructive ways to reset your team is to refocus on what your organization, colleagues, and customers are counting on you to do. Rekindling your team’s passion and reminding them what you’re fighting for is the best place to start.
The second type of reset is to revitalize your team dynamic. Does it feel like you’ve devolved from being a true team into a loose collection of people where the whole is no more than the sum of the parts? Or worse, is mistrust or unhealthy conflict making it feel like teamwork is a net negative? In that case, your reset might need to focus less on what your team needs to do and more on how you do it.
Reset your communication habits.
Over time, teams can become lazy and fall into communication patterns that dilute connection. Revisiting your communication habits can help you reconnect.
Reset your meetings.
Reset your team dynamics.
If your team is accomplishing plenty but finding it’s harder than necessary, these different approaches will jump-start a new, healthier, happier team dynamic.
And finally, a personal note. While you ponder your team reset, it’s an excellent time to consider whether you need to reset your own approach. For example, has work started consuming more time and energy than is healthy? Are you taking on too much and delegating too little? This is also the perfect opportunity to consider what reset you need as the team’s leader.
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Participating in the survey only takes 3 minutes of your time. All participants will get a report with our findings, later in August.
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