What to do when your heart isn’t in your work anymore
How long can you continue to drag a car on a flat tyre? Not so long, right? Doing something that you don’t love is something like this only.
"End the chaos involved in managing teams and work. Switch to a project management software."
You start out from the home for your weekend trip. The car engine is checked, you get the fuel tank full and start the journey. Mid-way you realize that there is a flat tyre. You continue to drag the car carelessly, even after knowing that there’s a flat tyre. After a while, there is booom….The tyre bursts!!!
You are stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Come to think of it, this is quite analogous with your career. You started your career with full zeal and enthusiasm. But, here you are today. Doing the job just for the heck of it. After a few years down the line from where you started, you no longer love what you do. And, this is the reason there’s no motivation to strive for that little extra now.
If you can relate to the story here, I’m certain that you would also want to know what to do in such a scenario? Well, here’s what to do when you stop loving what you do -
Contemplate about it
It is human nature to get bored of something after a while. Our heart becomes pretty deceptive in such a case. And, when such situation arises everything else that’s happening around looks way more interesting than what you have at hands.
It is your responsibility to understand the gravity of the situation and contemplate - whether I’m getting infatuated towards something new or am I seriously not loving what I do?
A little contemplation, and taking some time out to think about it can help you figure out the correct answer in this case.
Is it you or is it the workplace?
It is a common scenario that we start to hate our work life because of poor work-environment. Dig deep into this thought - is it you who has fallen out of love from what you are doing right now? Or, the workplace has become such that you don’t enjoy it anymore?
More often than not it is the latter reason that we end up hating our job. But, in case the reason is former, then you need to start worrying about what you can do to change the scenario.
Try to make things better in the current set-up
As discussed in the point above, sometimes it is the impact of the poor work culture that leads to you hating the job. In such a case, the first thing you can do is to find out ways to make the job interesting.
Think of the reasons that made you join the company, and figure out how can things become better. If needed, discuss with the HR person, your team lead or the manager to discuss about the problems you are facing and what can be done to make the situation better. Chances are that you will end up finding a solution.
Look beyond professional life
I’m a firm believer that professional and personal life of an individual impact deeply on each other. If you have a great personal life, you would enjoy even the most monotonous and boring jobs.
If you have started to get the feeling that you no longer love your job, look beyond it. Start doing something outside work that gets you excited. Engage yourself in a hobby, get associated with a NGO that works for some good. Or, be part of anything that keeps you excited!
If still needed, KEEP CALM and Move on!
And, in case things still do not work out you always have the option to move on. Before that, however, I’d suggest you to get answer to - Would the situation be same if you had been some other place as well?
If the answer is in affirmative, chances are that you have seriously lost the love for your job and need to find out what is it that interests you now.
There is no point in running your life on a flat tyre. Get your repair mode on, and figure out WHAT NEXT???
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Vartika Kashyap runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. She is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.
Also follow our company page @ProofHub to get the recent updates about our tool, published articles, motivational quotes & presentations.
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