What To Do When You Just Aren't Happy

What To Do When You Just Aren't Happy

I just had a conversation with a young single mom of 3 under 7 who works several jobs to make ends meet, and struggles to have the time to be where her heart is- with her kids. When asked does she want to keep all three jobs- answer was a resounding no. "Where do you want to be or be doing in 5 years?" was my next question. And, other than "not this" she just didn't have an answer. Hadn't thought of it.

I get it. I have been there. We are all so busy trying to survive daily, that the thought of beyond the next 24-72 hrs is just so hard. And, if on your own with little ones to support, the future is scary as well. And, the only way out seems to work longer hours. Longer. (But not smarter. There is no leverage working for someone else's dream) But 5 years will arrive before you know it, and then another 10 (who over 30 can attest to that?!)

This sweet family is too young to have forgotten how to dream.

Need more money = get another job = not a happy, fulfilled life for most of us.
But, many don't know their options to the same old same old.

Do you know anyone struggling to get by and feeling like they can't get any traction?
Anyone unhappy with their career, and open to options?
Anyone interested in understanding how a leveraged income and work life can be fulfilling, a wealth building tool, and offer a lifestyle of freedom and abundance?

Someone who doesn't listen to other's opinion (especially those whose life they would NOT trade places with entirely) to make their life choices?

Then they are ready for a business that compensates directly for value added to others.
They are ready to explore Network marketing where mentors are compensated directly proportionate to the number of people they help succeed. And serve.

The perfect combination of personal development, leadership skills, philanthropy for those with those goals, and the entrepreneurial spirit without the risk of traditional business.

Yes, they are ready to explore a better way, hands down.
Please send them my way! 


