What to do when you get no enthusiasm back (buzzkill, right?)
Marion Grobb Finkelstein
Award-winning leader, I coach managers to handle difficult convos (&ppl), hone their leadership communication skills, bounce back from adversity, delegate more, stress less, and build truthful, trusting teams.
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When you get responses, you know that you’re connecting. Have you ever communicated with someone and received no emotional energy back in return? I received a question recently on this subject and wanted to share my reply for the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.
I love your newsletter. Thank you for your amazing tips and stories!! My question is this: How do you respond to your manager’s straight face, glossy eyes when you present something that you are very excited about? I am never sure about this one. I still keep my enthusiasm, never give up, try to give more info, until I get exhausted and disappointed. What to do?
Signed, Disappointed D
Dear D, sadly, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm you may hold for your ideas and projects. Or maybe they do and just express (or don’t) their feelings differently. It’s definitely a downer if you let it be. Here are some tips that may change your perspective and how you respond.
Determine if this is a pattern or an isolated incident.
Think back over the last several times you’ve presented an exciting project or idea in an animated way to this particular person. What was their reaction? Is there a consistent pattern of this person responding in the same low-key, unemotional way? Further, is there a pattern of this person responding with little enthusiasm not just to you, to others as well? If so, it might not be you or your idea that he or she isn’t wild about–it might be a clash of communication styles. It might not be that your idea is not well received at all. This lack of enthusiasm may just be them. Calibrate the response to the person.
If this is a pattern, change your style.
Here are the good news and the challenge: We’re all blessedly different. As such, you communicate differently than others and you default, especially when stressed, to a style that feels most comfortable for you. It might not be as comfortable for the receiver. In fact, it might be the complete opposite way he or she prefers to receive information. When someone’s communication style is very different from yours, meet them partway. If your natural tendency is to be over-the-moon exuberant, take it down a notch. The person on the receiving end will find it easier to relate to what you’re saying because your style of delivery more closely resembles his or hers.
Let’s be clear here: stay genuine, stay authentic. Just tweak it a bit to mitigate the gap between the difference in communication styles. Stay true to yourself, just a toned-down version. (PS: conversely, if you’re not clicking with someone because your interpretation of “being excited” is perceived by him or her as a limp, wet mop, then turn up the energy and be more animated. It will help you connect).
If this is an isolated incident, change the environment.
If someone is normally enthusiastic toward you and your ideas and on a certain occasion doesn’t respond in the usual lively fashion, it might have nothing to do with you. It’s likely an unrelated distraction of some sort. Acknowledge this to yourself, then shake things up a bit. You could suggest that you meet for coffee or in a neutral location of some sort. It may be that your presentation has caught him or her at a bad time, so reschedule. Change the location, change the time, and change the tone of the conversation. Sometimes, people need a change of scenery to have a change of mind.
She thought I was sharing too much personal info.
Years ago, I remember delivering what many told me was a poignant and moving opening keynote to a woman’s conference. It was my speech entitled, “Fill ‘er Up” which included touching stories of personal struggles and how I used them to grow and shift my thinking. After the hour-long talk to a group of several hundred, I was surrounded by attendees thanking me for putting into words how they felt, telling me how they related to my stories, and sharing their own amazing tales of triumph.
Then, a woman named Alice introduced herself and told me that she felt my stories were far too emotionally charged and personal. Pop! My bubble was burst. Unlike the rest of the attendees who felt validated and buoyed connecting on such an emotional level, the degree of emotion I shared made this woman feel uncomfortable. So much so, she felt compelled to let me know. It was an interesting perspective.
I’m grateful Alice spoke to me. It made me realize that, no matter how well you communicate, no matter how many people you reach, there will always be a small percentage of your audience with whom you will not connect. It could be because of your message or the way in which it was delivered. It might be that you touch a chord inside that that they aren’t prepared to deal with. Emotion is tough for some people to handle, and that’s perfectly fine. Adjust your communication style to the extent you feel comfortable, while always remaining true to yourself.
They might not match your level of emotion.
When someone doesn’t reflect the enthusiasm that you ooze, it often speaks more about him or her than it does about you. It may be their personality and the way they communicate. Some people really ARE excited. Sadly, they forget to tell their face. We all express enthusiasm and interest differently. It could be bad timing or a distraction and lack of focus that you’re seeing, not necessarily a lack of interest. Their seeming absence of emotion or energy may have nothing to do with you at all. It’s not about you, it’s about them and where their head is at when you deliver your message.
What they think doesn’t change your value.
Even if someone doesn’t value your ideas, it doesn’t change how valuable you and your ideas are. And that’s something you can get excited about.
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?2011, updated ?2020 Marion Grobb Finkelstein
Marion Grobb Finkelstein, COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT www.MarionSpeaks.com , SEE MARION IN ACTION: https://youtu.be/OgXbgXcvVN4, Check out Marion’s programs at: https://marionspeaks.com/programs/
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Principal at O'Keefe Management Strategies
4 年Great conversation! Another possibility is that the idea is way out of left field, not appropriate or helpful to the main meeting, etc. It might help the speaker to carefully float the ice with her supervisor prior to the meeting to help ascertain whether there is any appetite for the topic at all. Listen to the advice you are given. A more junior person is likely not aware of the broader context in which decisions are taken, and should not presume that they have all the answers. I have seen this happen and it unfortunately leaves the presenter disappointed, and sometimes the decision makers questioning her judgement. Also a good idea to check in with your boss after the meeting and again ask for her perspective as to why the interjection was not well received. Tough but sometimes true.