What to do when you don't have an appetite
Dr. Anna Maj ND
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"My appetite is not the same"- this is what I hear sometimes from my patients who are sick. In other cases, loss of appetite is associated with eating disorders, grief, depression, weak stomach function or more serious underlying health problems.
Some people report having a metallic taste in their mouths, some feel a bitter taste. Still, in others, there is a fluctuation in appetite from a complete loss to the sensation of extreme hunger.
One of the little tricks, I use in my practice to restore an appetite in sick children- is to have them eat apples the entire day. Of course consult this idea with your doctor.
Here, however, I want to expand your knowledge and tell you about 7 homeopathic remedies. They potentially can help bring back your appetite without any additional side effects. They are completely safe and 100% natural.
This article was written by Dr. Anna Maj, for educational purposes only. Please consult with your doctor.