What NOT To Do When You Are Closing On A Home
Believe it or not, some people do the unthinkable that costs them their dream home!
It is important to remember that until you close on your home your credit, specifically your debt-to-income ratio, is monitored by your lender. Any meaningful financial transaction or change in your personal situation could put your home purchase in danger.
Here are some tips to follow if you are closing on a home:
Did we mention "don't open any lines of credit"? Even "interest free/no payments for 120 days" terms can potential cause financing issues.
As a general rule, contact your real estate agent or lender if you are thinking of making any financial changes at all before your home closes. It is better to be safe than to lose your dream home!
Shawn M. Preston has been a commercial and residential real estate agent in the Las Vegas area for over 10 years. He is proud to work with the dynamic and professional team at Signature Real Estate Group and is ready to help with your next transaction.