What To Do When Things Are Not Working But You Can't Quit

What To Do When Things Are Not Working But You Can't Quit

“You cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it” - Albert Einstein

Whether this is a quote you’re familiar with, or this is the first time you’re coming across it, I want you to remember this quote.

Here’s why.

If you’re constantly feeling stressed and burnt out, not filling your own cup with self-love and compassion…you’re not going to see a way out from where you currently are.

Often we need creative solutions, or even a new perspective to be able to make changes that will really benefit us in the long run.

I think this is something that we often overlook when we’re looking for a solution to a problem, or we think that we don’t have the answers or that it’s simply unsolvable, when really, what we need is a reset so that our brain can work on something a little bit out of the ordinary for us.

This is something that comes up when clients come to me feeling like they’re stuck. They have a toxic boss, work with challenging colleagues, keep coming up against challenge after challenge at work, but simply can’t quit (not only is quitting not always an option, sometimes even when it is, it’s not the answer we need).

When we’re in a state of stress and overwhelm constantly (or at least more often than not) we get stuck in the same patterns or loops of thinking that mean we can only come up with the same answers that we’ve had before.

Often this sounds like “the only way this changes is if I quit, and I can’t” or “there’s simply nothing I can do” which sounds exceptionally defeating.

If you’re familiar with this feeling, or if you’re in a situation like this right now and you can’t quit, but don’t know what else to do, I have 5 steps starting with self-love and compassion that will help you to explore your options and focus on your internal world.

You can listen in by heading over to episode 118 of The Aligned Achiever podcast at https://siobhanbarnes.com/118


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