What to do when things don't go as planned

What to do when things don't go as planned

Have you ever been caught off guard in your career or business? Do you begin to second guess or doubt your abilities when processes fail?

If you can relate to either of these questions, you are in the right place.

As you know, there are a ton of moving parts in the business building world. Sometimes, even your best plans and intentions can spiral out of control in a flash.

As you go through a storm, it’s important to realize that failures, setbacks, and challenges do not define you. But, how you handle them…does!

I recently sat down with a friend of mine who has definitely had her set of challenges. For starters:

-When she and her husband no longer received a corporate “pay check”, they took the last dollars they had to start their business.

-They started the business during one of the most challenging economic climates in recent history

-In the beginning, they thought they had to be “everything” to “everyone”. This lead to them tiring out, very quickly.

-They also learned some pretty tough, but impactful lessons around the importance of have well-defined agreements.

These are just a few examples of what Hope Daley of Guerrilla Marketing faced, as a new business owner.

Fortunately, she and her husband decided that these setback weren’t going to define them. She also revealed the solutions they came up with to get their business back on track.

I invite you to listen into today’s “Persistence” podcast as Hope shares helpful tips how to handle “surprises” in your business or career.

Once you listen to the interview, I want you to share the most impactful take away you gained, under the show notes of Hope’s show.

That’s all I have for you today. Keep rocking your business and changing lives with the products or services you provide.

Thank you for being a part of my hive!


Take care,

From climbing the corporate ladder to entrepreneurship, Erica Castner is not a stranger to the professional development world. She is the founder of Queen of Results Business Coaching & Consulting, a company dedicated to helping CEO moms go from "I wish I could" to "I know I can" and communicate their message with power & poise.

Erica is also the host of the podcast series, Proclamation of Persistence: The Busy Professionals Guide to Triumph & Success. She is married to her husband, Ed. They have two daughters, Lauren and Brooke and a puppy named, Auggie.


