What to do when others threaten your vision
TL;DR Don't let them!
It started back in 1970…
I’ll never forget the day I loaded my young son, Eric, into my Mustang and drove to the nearby Community College to speak with my old psychology professor, Mr. White.?
At the time I was 20 years old and a single mother, and I wanted to talk with him about my vision of returning to school to pursue a degree.?
I felt confident this was the best step to creating a better future for Eric and me.?
After updating Mr. White about my recent hardships, he looked at me seriously and said, “College? You have no money. You shouldn’t be worrying about your education right now. You should be worrying about how you’re going to live.”?
Mr. White handed me a scrap of paper with the contact information for the local social services center and sent me on my way.?
Days later, I shared my vision of enrolling in college with my social worker. “Well, that’s interesting,” she said in a tone that indicated my goal was unlikely. Along with the cost of attending college, the social worker expressed her concern about what I planned to do with Eric while I was in my classes.?
Two significant blows to the vision I had for myself in less than a week. The easy thing would have been to give into their concerns and abandon my vision. But I’ve never been a quitter!
Don’t let obstacles stand in your way
While Mr. White and my social worker both had my best interests at heart, their objections threatened the vision I had for myself. It would have been easy to think, this is impossible, and give up. I could have let the vision die. Instead, I had faith that my vision was achievable and viewed the obstacles I encountered as just temporary roadblocks.
So I devised a plan that involved an affordable day care service, a detailed budget, and a sales pitch which I delivered to my caseworker. While she raised additional concerns, she ultimately gave the green light for me to attend college and pursue a degree, which would open up so many doors for my and my son’s future.
You may have experienced similar situations where others stood in the way of your vision. They might have said:
But I’m here to tell you, don't let others kill your vision!
When I secured my social worker's approval to attend college, I felt elated. I felt proud, liberated and hopeful. I had convinced a skeptic to green light my vision, to give me the opportunity to turn it into reality. You can, too.?
What to do when others threaten your vision
So, what might you do to overcome others who threaten your visions? Here’s what worked for me:?
I hope these tips inspire you to pursue your own visions and aspirations with resolution and resilience. With the right attitude and persistence, you can make them a reality.
I share more about my own journey of chasing my visions in my forthcoming book, Breaking Through the Silicon Ceiling. You can preorder it from Tertulia for 20% off with the code, “CEO.”?
Chris King?
An incredibly inspiring story...!