What Not To Do When Networking
Janine Friston- networking host and mentor
Introvert friendly networking meetings, host & business mentor I Networking training & business mentoring I Online & In-person, small group networking & mastermind I Business building that aligns to you
Networking is a great way to meet others, build relationships and also grow your business.? But, make sure you go about it the right way, otherwise you run the risk of it not having the desired effect.
Make sure you don’t fall into one of the networking no-no’s below:
1- Being self-absorbed and making it all about you. This HAS to be my number one turn-off when I'm at events and meetings. When you get talking to someone who isn’t interested in you or your business, they just want to get their information across to you, whether you may or may not be interested! Networking is a two-way street. Don't dominate conversations or launch into lengthy pitches about yourself. Ask questions, take the time to listen attentively, and show genuine interest in what they have to say.
2- Turning on "Sales Mode". People are attending the meeting to network, not get pitched to. While being proactive to talk to others is essential, avoid being pushy or aggressive in your approach.? Focus on building rapport and exploring common ground. Let the conversation flow naturally, and opportunities to discuss your work may arise organically.?
3- Being inattentive.? This may come across in a number of ways. Be aware of your body language and facial expressions. Is it showing that you’re interested and engaged, or that you’re bored and would rather be anywhere else at that moment? Silence your phone and avoid checking it constantly. Give people your full attention and show you're present in the moment. Avoid distractions such as checking your phone or constantly scanning the room while in conversation. This will make people feel awkward, maybe lower their confidence and can be just rude.
4- Being Inauthentic. Being yourself is key in networking, and in business generally to be honest. Avoid coming across as insincere or overly rehearsed. Be genuine, showcase your personality and passion for your business and how you support your clients.?
5- Being Unprepared. Don't attend a networking meeting without doing your homework - especially if you’re a little nervous about the event to begin with. Research the event, the structure of it, its attendees, and potential topics of discussion so that you can prepare meaningful conversations.
6- Forgetting to follow-up.? I talk about this all the time, and what benefits following up with new connections can have.? After the event, don't forget to follow up with the contacts you've made. Follow them on social media, email or message them and reintroduce yourself and confirm how great it was to meet them, start to build that new relationship through conversation.
So there you have 6 no-no’s for networking success (I was going to do 5, but had to add in the extra point about following up!). Networking is amazing for building connections and your business, but make sure you do it the right way.??
Take your time, be patient and build relationships through conversation.
This is what we do inside the Female Business Club - online networking for connection, business growth and success with friendly, welcoming meetings and community. Check out more details here, you’d be most welcome.