What Do We Mean When We Speak of “College Access”? (Part 3 in a series)
Pamela M. Donnelly, PhD
Equitable education visionary on a mission to increase college & career readiness. Four-time founder committed to championing at-risk youth. Executive consultant for strategic political communications. Ghostwriter.
In order to think effectively about much-needed systemic change related to college access in America, let’s first ensure that each of us as stakeholders means the same thing by the words and phrases we are using to describe the problem. To that end, the following information sets up a framework for examination. This edition is dedicated to all word nerds. Critical thinkers unite.
The relationship between models of reality and the reality itself has been well explored by semantic scholars, most notably a man named Alfred Korzybski who theorized that the “map” of language cannot fully denote the real “terrain” of complex constructs. Because I emphatically believe that his notion that “the word is not the thing” can help us unpack how we think and speak of college access, I invite you to begin with a cautionary eye. Let us put on our thinking caps and consider together the role of abstraction in language, for failing to do so can undermine real-world change.?
Any meaning assigned to complex constructs tends to be highly context-dependent. To guard against confusing mental models of reality with the reality itself, this edition of my blog series examines linguistic limitations in capturing the “thing” of college access within the “territory” of the lived experiences of students.?
Let’s begin with the etymology of the word college. Did you know this dates back to the late 14th?century? The Latin word?collegium?was its antecedent.?Collegium?came from the prefix col- meaning “together with” and the root word?legare, meaning “to depute,” “to send as an emissary,” or “to choose”. This word described an organized association of men (yes, men and only men) endowed with certain powers as a result of the proscribed pursuit of a specific tract of education. Implicit in this definition was the establishment of two camps: those within the collegium, and those outside of it. The us versus them nature of the haves and the have-nots has been argued to lie at the root of much of the civil unrest related to higher education access by numerous researchers.?
One way to assess structural usage of a word or phrase is to note synonyms employed, purported to have the same meaning. Synonyms for the word college that appear in research include association, institute, lyceum, organization, academy, seminary, and most commonly university. While each of these may denote a roughly equivalent construct, the connotations are as vast as the array of the schools themselves. A frequent lack of semantic clarity in written and oral communication muddles the matter. In order to approach increasing college access or other such rhetoric to be explored, these linguistic constructs require deconstruction and inquiry.?
In late Middle English, the word college came into contextual usage meaning “partnership,” “community,” “society,” or “guild”. Here is a four-part breakdown on those understandings as they have evolved over time, seen through a modern lens.
A side note about the word university: The word university predates the word college in usage by over 100 years, tracing its origins back to circa 1250. Derived from the Latin word universus, university literally means “turned into one.” Related collegiate words like “varsity” spring from the same root, connoting someone or something connected to the institution. Over time, in both the U.K. and the U.S. institutions known as colleges and universities have come to be seen as interchangeable and equivalent; however, a single university can contain more than a dozen colleges, seminaries, and other sub-entities—including both undergraduate and graduate schools. Interestingly, in the U.S. we rarely speak of “university access”. College access has become our default language to describe the phenomenon of whether and how students aspire to attain the well-documented benefits of completing undergraduate degrees in higher education.
The etymology of the word access dates at the earliest to circa early 17th?century, several hundred years after the constructs of university and then college appeared. Derived from the Latin accessus, the verb accedere denotes “to approach”. Notably, this does not mean “to get in” or address any aspect of persistence. Semantic interpretations related to the combined construct of college + access abound. Accessing college, when interpreted to include completion of a bachelor’s degree, has become a key indicator of having reached a threshold of accomplishment in U.S. society—a sign of moving from blue- or grey-collar to white- collar readiness in the job market.?
Examine the construction of sentences pertaining to college access as they appear in media, educational, corporate, and nonprofit communications. For example, noticing the use of imperatives or questions often reveals aspects of both overt and covert/implied meaning. What story are they trying to tell? Is it true?
My research explores the grammatical utilization of the college access construct in stakeholder communications from U.S presidents to school districts and corporations profiting from the rhetoric, including banks. Considering, for example, a compare and contrast analysis of the use of access-as-noun versus access-as-verb in itself offers plenty of food for thought. By building upon these observations, textual structure can also be analyzed in terms of how it creates emphasis, evolving toward a narrative. The most common trope where such rhetoric lands to roost? The well-worn concept of the American dream.?
Using discourse analysis, we can assess political and?sociocultural points of emphases in how U.S. stakeholders frame narratives. As we increase our understanding of the history and linguistics surrounding college access in America today, we sharpen our pencils to get down to the much-needed work of leveling the playing field.
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