What do Powderpost Beetles do to my House?
We don’t see powderpost beetles in Dayton OH as often as termites but every now and then I run across these little guys during an inspection for a home sale. They are a species of woodboring insect and they come by their name honestly. The damage they leave behind is a fine powder, the consistency of flour and the attacked wood can just crumble away. You may notice hundreds and sometimes thousands of tiny holes in the framing of a home. These holes look like someone took a sharp instrument and started randomly poking into the wood. These are actually the exit holes the mature adults bore AFTER their larval stage has tunneled through the wood. It can take an incredible 1 to 5 years for them to develop and it’s all done concealed inside the board.
There are several insecticides like Boracare or Timbor that can be sprayed onto the infected wood. Since the powderpost larvae are inside the wood it is important that enough of the chemical used can soak in. This will penetrate the wood and remain for years of protection, also discouraging carpenter ants and termites. So, if you see wood around your house that has a “shotgun” pattern of tiny holes you know what it is likely to be. I’m always available to discuss real estate issues in the Beavercreek, Kettering, Bellbrook and surrounding Dayton OH areas.