What do our negative inclinations indicate...?!?
Moshe Neuwirth
Let's connect to our inner Divine light & energy! Speaker, Author, Therapist & Singer.
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In this week’s Parsha we read(Leviticus 22, 27):
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When an ox or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall remain under its mother for seven days, and from the eighth day onwards, it shall be accepted as a sacrifice for a fire offering to the Lord.
The Midrash says:
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Israel are pursued by the nations, and the Holy One chose Israel. In the case of the sacrifices, also it is so. The Holy One, blessed be He, said: ‘The Ox is pursued by the lion, the goat is pursued by the leopard, the lamb by the wolf; do not offer unto Me from those that pursue but from those that are pursued.’ Hence if is written, “When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth …It may be accepted for an offering”
The Sefas Emes explains, in this world, there is a certain fight between the outside layer and fa?ade of the world, and anything connected to it, with the internal light and energy, which is Divine and G-Dly.
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Hence, those who are connected more to the fa?ade, will have more physical strength, and will chase those who have more of the inner Divine energy.
As we see, the beasts chasing and hunting the animals.
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So much so, the Jewish people, who G-D inhaled and engrafted in each and every one of us a G-Dly soul, are so pursued and chased, in this world, this is the fact, and was proven throughout the entire history….
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But even furthermore, when we – individually or collectively - face challenges, which may be physical or financial, but even psychological or spiritual impediments and hindrances, this can often be misinterpreted to define our own selves to be inferior, inadequate and unworthy.
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Well, the contrary is actually the reality, the more someone is pursued and chased, by negative emotions and thoughts, evil inclinations or tendencies, this proves and verifies, that we have G-Dly Divine energy flowing and streaming within our body.
Our core and essence is, the G-Dly soul which HaShem implanted and embedded within ourselves!
Written by R’ Moshe Neuwirth