What do neurodivergent individuals (gifted, empath, dyslexic, HSP...) need to find fulfillment?
Margot Pauvers
ICF accredited coach | REIKI Master | PSYCH-K? facilitator | DoTERRA Wellness advocate | Empowering Neuro-diverse Leaders & Sensitive High Achievers to Overcome Overwhelm and Thrive Authentically
Let's start with a simple definition of the term 'neurodivergent', which we tend to see more and more often in recent years. You may also have come across the terms High Emotional/Intellectual Potential, empath, Highly Sensitive Person, gifted and so on.
When we refer to the concept of neurodiversity, we emphasise the fact that the human brain and nervous system do not have one and the same typical way of functioning for all individuals. In other words, it is a concept that describes the individuality and uniqueness of cognitive functioning.
There is no one way of functioning that is better than another, there are simply different ways of functioning.
What is generally noted in common in "neurodivergent" people is overexcitabilities which translates into a tendency to respond more intensely to different stimuli (whether emotional, intellectual, sensual, psychomotor or imaginational).
Why is it important to be aware of our differences in functioning?
The recognition of a difference opens the door to more understanding, acceptance and inclusion. Towards others but also towards ourselves. As a result, we allow ourself to achieve self-actualisation.
My clients like to reuse a phrase that I often repeat to them: "Turn your quirks into gifts".
Neuro-atypical or not, no two people are absolutely identical and that's fortunate! The reason you would be chosen as a lover, as a friend, as an employee, as a boss... lies in your authenticity.
Thus, to invite more fulfillment and abundance into our lives we will rely on three main criteria:
1 - Self-awareness and understanding
No matter what label is placed on your functioning, nothing will give you more insights than developing your self-awareness and learning to listen to yourself.
As you can see, I'm not a fan of boxes and labels. Before being HSP, empath, dyslexic or else, you are YOU. You have life experiences, wounds, a personality, talents, ideas...
Two HSP will not have exactly the same functioning, the same needs, the same talents to express...
Felling out of place, feeling misunderstood is above all a lack of self-awareness and self-knowledge. When we're yet to identify our functioning, what we need and want to express, our fears and wounds, our energies... It is difficult to find fulfillment. It is therefore essential to meet ourselves first in order to identify what we really want.
So, how do we go about it?
Don't get me wrong, labels can provide many clues but they won't give you a place - you already have one.
2 - Awaken your "authentic self"
Through over-adaptation to our environment to conform to external expectations, accumulation of trauma and repressed emotions, we build a protective personality that comes to stifle our authentic self.
In other words, we end up moving away from who we really are, from what we want to embody and achieve.
Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are.
The more space we make for our "authentic self", the more permission we give ourselves to attract what we truly need and deserve (abundance). This is essential for creating meaningful relationships as well as for connecting to our life mission.
3 - Self esteem
Your self-esteem is your pass to a greater and happier life. When we grow up with the idea of being different, of not being enough, of not conforming, we slowly give away our personal power. We unconsciously impose financial, relational, creative, professional, etc. limits on ourselves.
"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice." - Steve Jobs
Your self esteem may affect the way you :
- love and appreciate yourself as a person
- are able to make decisions and assert yourself
- you recognise your strengths and positives
- you feel able to try new or difficult things
- you are kind to yourself
- you overcome mistakes without blaming yourself unfairly
- you take the time you need for yourself
- you believe you are important and good enough
- you believe that you deserve happiness.
How can you increase your self esteem?
Have you noticed anything? That's right, the same principles are also used to apply the Law of Attraction, which itself is based on the Law of Deservingness - if you don't unconsciously think you deserve what you are calling in, the Law of Attraction breaks down. It all starts with you!
Did I mention I'm a Certified Holistic Coach & Reiki Healer?