In the first two part of the series in Group Dynamics of a Management class, we shared the kind of pains and gains felt by the team members in a group. As a part of the empathy interview, we also asked the team members as to what they want from their group. The outcome of what they shared was quite interesting.
What does he actually want?
- He wants to finish groupism and wishes to engage in more activities like the forest walk or the rural immersion visits, where the class was a united front.
- He wants less academic competition. He also thinks people should be more approaching and have less ego.
- She wants more in class activities for more participation.
- She wishes there were days of college or other fun events.
- She believes fun games like dumb charades and anatakshari can bring people together.
- She thinks staying silent rather than fighting can solve everything.
- She wants to be accepted, a more positive atmosphere, and people to be more supportive rather than pulling each other down. She wants more random group allocations, more college fests, and no roll number wise seating.
- He wants a fun and joyous college life.
- He wants fun, group hangouts, and to keep things light hearted.
- He wishes to have freewill groups in class, where he is aware of others strengths and weaknesses, the work is less burdensome and there is consensus on who will work.
- People are less self-centred. They engage in activities like OB tutorial discussions. They shouldn't give up so easily.
- More psychology activities, CnC events which are class specific. People should be allowed to share personal opinions which are not graded. People should be less intimidating, approachable, and non-judgemental. People should be socially self-aware abut what they are speaking, let go of fear of judgement. HE should've had a better headspace and been more socially outgoing.
- People should take more personal initiative outside class. People should understand others, feel included, and groups should disappear.
- Truthful conversations, and need to give up the fa?ade.
- he believes that he could have been more extrovert in terms of talking. He wants the friendship to be more convenient in the sense that it shouldn’t be conditional. He wants people to be more accepting of others opinion.
- she wants presence of more group activities, noy only the mandatory ones but also other things lime self-induced traditional day and fests. She feels that if she could do anything, she would try to explore, in the sense she wants to expand the horizon of topics she knows or she can talk about.
- He wants people to be more open and accepting and respect everyone's opinion. He also wants everyone to contribute equally in assignments and discussions
- he wants people to understand the cultural diversity that comes in such public institutions should be understood and people should be more accepting to others, in brief, there should be low groupism
- She wants people to be less judgemental about others' looks and their clothing. There should be less groupism in the classroom and some people should not feel cornered in the classroom.
- He wants to get rid of the rule of roll-number wise seating arrangement and wants more debate and mythological quiz related activities to be conducted.
- low groupism, no to less egoism and a better class to study in
- More opportunities to connect with people such a photo walk, self-proclaimed traditional day and many more.
- A class that feels like a class and a cohesive learning space at least for once without facing the biased behaviour of some people.
- low groupism, where people understand each other before making fun of them and a class which respects and accepts the person as he or she is instead of judging them
"If you're going to preach dedication, work ethic, teamwork, unselfishness and being part of a team to accomplish a common goal, you have to live it—you can't just talk about it." — Chris Mullin
How does the outcome relate to Organisational Groups?
There is groupism in organisation. In functions. Within sub-groups of function. Most of the organisations focus on team building, engagement acctivities and many other things. However, it is important to know what matters to every group. Even if, for example, Engagement is a important discovery, then it is important to understand what in Engagement for the group. Empathy interview helps in discovery of it
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