What do marketers, economists and golf instructors have in common?

What do marketers, economists and golf instructors have in common?

Pros in each of those three disciplines begin with diagnosis. We all start by looking at the symptoms of a problem and then we come up with our best guess as to the cause.

Ask five different economists what's going to happen with the economy and you'll get five completely different answers. It's not an exact science. In fact, many would say it's pseudo-science at best.

As reported in Investopia, "There are too many Xfactors in the complex world of economics."

Same with golf instruction.

Ask five different instructors what's wrong with your swing you'll get more than five different theories. "Maybe this, maybe that, it depends."

No two instructors can even agree on the objective of a golf lesson, much less the most effective solution for long-term improvement on any given player.

But 9 out of 10 instructors devoutly believe that his or her way is the best way. The only way, in fact. Anything else is an utter waste of time.

Marketing specialists in golf act the same way sometimes. They offer to help, but their heels are firmly dug in.

When you talk to an SEO guy of course he'll say that you should spend 80% of your marketing budget on SEO. It's the only tool he's got. Similar to the instructors who push the Stack & Tilt swing, a single plane swing or any other method on every player who comes along.

Talk to a digital advertising guy or a local TV salesman and they'll tell you that all your money should go that direction. There's basically no diagnosis whatsoever. No big picture strategy from which to work. Just one cookie-cutter solution.

Social media specialists, YouTube creators, email marketing specialists, even Ai proponents will all tell you that they have the one golden ticket to marketing success.

But the best golf instructors and the best marketers know there's never just one answer.

They take a step back, listen to the customer, dive deep into the roots of the problem and then strategize a balanced approach that will produce long term improvement.

They don't go for the quick fix.

They don't ignore the facts that point to multiple issues.

They don't claim that their "scientific approach" is more righteous than the next.

At Birdie Ops we can help instructors with branding that'll improve their standing on YouTube. And more importantly, we can help them communicate their tips and ideas more effectively. Just about any method can work if it's taught well and communicated precisely. What you show and the words you use make all the difference.

What we cannot do — what we'll never claim to do — is solve all your marketing challenges with one swing of the club.

One quick fix of the golf swing usually causes more problems than it solves.

An economic correction of any kind often causes a ripple effect of unintended consequences.

The same thing goes for your marketing efforts. So if you want a smart, measured approach to marketing your golf lessons, a golf course, or a golf product, connect with us at BirdieOps.


Birdie Ops - A hybrid agency for golf brands.的更多文章